[Agda] Agda's coinduction incompatible with initial algebras

Martin Escardo m.escardo at cs.bham.ac.uk
Tue Oct 4 23:15:06 CEST 2011

On 04/10/11 21:41, Martin Escardo wrote:
> (Domains with strict continuous maps are algebraicly compact with
> respect to continuous endo-functors.)
 > [...]
> It seems that you have shown that this extension of Agda with
> co-inductive types is actually an algebraicly compact extension of Agda.
> For the functor 1+(-), you get bi-natural numbers. By initiality, they
> have iteration, and by finality they have a point infty. Combining these
> two things, iterating infty-many times, you get fixed points, and so
> inhabitedness of all objects (by taking fixed points of identities).

In the above category, you get the so-called domain of lazy natural 
numbers for the 1+(-) functor:

                                 ...  /
                                2     ...
                                 \  /
                              1    succ(succ(_|_))
                               \  /
                           0     succ(_|_)
                            \   /

It seems that sharp, when interpreted in the above category, is doing 
lifting (?). But there is no way of making sense of lifting in the 
category of sets.


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