[Agda] Agda's coinduction incompatible with initial algebras

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Tue Oct 4 12:26:21 CEST 2011

I'd like to open a new round of false-golfing, below is my entry to the 
tournament.  My favorite target is Agda's coinduction mechanism. 
Partially it's flaws are known, but I cannot remember anyone presenting 
an outright proof of the absurdity.  So here it is.

*Spoiler* (skip this if you want to read the code first):  Using the 
guardedness-checker, I construct an inhabitant in the initial algebra 
over the functor co (\infty in the std-lib).  Iterating over it, I 
obtain my proof of absurdity.


Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Theoretical Computer Science, University of Munich
Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 Munich, GERMANY

andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
-------------- next part --------------
-- Andreas, 2011-10-04
-- Agda's coinduction is incompatible with initial algebras
-- Sized types are needed to formulate initial algebras in general:
{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}
-- We need to skip the positivity check since we cannot communicate
-- to Agda that we only want strictly positive F's in the definition of Mu
{-# OPTIONS --no-positivity-check #-}
module CoinductiveEmpty where

open import Coinduction renaming (? to co)
open import Size

-- initial algebras

data Mu (F : Set ? Set) : Size ? Set where
  inn : ? {i} ? F (Mu F i) ? Mu F (? i)

iter : ? {F : Set ? Set}
         (map : ? {A B} ? (A ? B) ? F A ? F B)
         {A} ? (F A ? A) ? ? {i} ? Mu F i ? A
iter map s (inn t) = s (map (iter map s) t)

-- the co functor (aka Lift functor)

F : Set ? Set
F A = co A

map : ? {A B : Set} ? (A ? B) ? co A ? co B
map f a = ? f (? a)

-- the least fixed-point of co is inhabited

bla : Mu F ?
bla = inn (? bla)

-- and goal!

data ? : Set where

false : ?
false = iter map ? bla

-- note that co is indeed strictly positive, as the following
-- direct definition of Mu F ? is accepted

data Bla : Set where
  c : co Bla ? Bla

{- -- if we inline ? map into iter, the termination checker detects the cheat
iter' : Bla ? ?
iter' (c t) = ? (? iter' (? t))
-- iter' (c t) = ? (map iter' t)

-- Again, I want to emphasize that the problem is not with sized types.
-- I have only used sized types to communicate to Agda that initial algebras
-- (F, iter) are ok.  Once we have initial algebras, we can form the
-- initial algebra of the co functor and abuse the guardedness checker
-- to construct an inhabitant in this empty initial algebra.
-- Agda's coinduction mechanism confuses constructor and coconstructors.
-- Convenient, but, as you have seen...

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