[Agda] Problem with propositional equality (or my understanding of
José Pedro Magalhães
jpm at cs.uu.nl
Wed Aug 31 16:10:38 CEST 2011
Hi all,
(This post is in literate Agda.)
I hit a problem in Agda where I expect two ways of proving the same
thing to be equivalent, but Agda doesn't believe me. Let's say I
have the following two universes:
module Test where
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Maybe
data U₁ : Set where
Z₁ : U₁
S₁ : U₁ → U₁
⟦_⟧₁ : U₁ → Set
⟦ Z₁ ⟧₁ = ⊤
⟦ S₁ x ⟧₁ = Maybe ⟦ x ⟧₁
data U₂ : Set where
Z₂ : U₂
S₂ : U₂ → U₂
⟦_⟧₂ : U₂ → Set
⟦ Z₂ ⟧₂ = ⊤
⟦ S₂ x ⟧₂ = Maybe ⟦ x ⟧₂
It's pretty clear they are equivalent. Let's show that:
U₁→U₂ : U₁ → U₂
U₁→U₂ Z₁ = Z₂
U₁→U₂ (S₁ x) = S₂ (U₁→U₂ x)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality public
⟦⟧₁≡⟦⟧₂ : (C : U₁) → ⟦ C ⟧₁ ≡ ⟦ U₁→U₂ C ⟧₂
⟦⟧₁≡⟦⟧₂ Z₁ = refl
⟦⟧₁≡⟦⟧₂ (S₁ x) = cong Maybe (⟦⟧₁≡⟦⟧₂ x)
Now let's define a function on interpretations of the first universe,
to be used later. This function is nothing more than a "deep" identity:
id₁ : (C : U₁) → ⟦ C ⟧₁ → ⟦ C ⟧₁
id₁ Z₁ tt = tt
id₁ (S₁ x) (just y) = just (id₁ x y)
id₁ (S₁ x) nothing = nothing
Alright. Now let's write conversion functions between the two universes.
Since we have a proof of equivalence of their interpretations, we reuse it:
module FirstTry where
≡→ : {A B : Set} → A ≡ B → A → B
≡→ refl x = x
⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ : (C : U₁) → ⟦ C ⟧₁ → ⟦ U₁→U₂ C ⟧₂
⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ C = ≡→ (⟦⟧₁≡⟦⟧₂ C)
So far so good. Now let's prove that we can remove applications of
our identity function:
prop : (C : U₁) → (x : ⟦ C ⟧₁) → ⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ C (id₁ C x) ≡ ⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ C x
prop Z₁ tt = refl
prop (S₁ x) (just y) = cong {!just!} (prop x y)
prop (S₁ x) nothing = refl
Unfortunately Agda does not accept the term in the hole, saying:
just (≡→ (⟦⟧₁≡⟦⟧₂ x) (id₁ x y)) !=
≡→ (cong Maybe (⟦⟧₁≡⟦⟧₂ x)) (id₁ (S₁ x) (just y)) of type
Maybe ⟦ U₁→U₂ x ⟧₂
when checking that the expression cong ? (prop x y) has type
⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ (S₁ x) (id₁ (S₁ x) (just y)) ≡ ⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ (S₁ x) (just y)
This seems to be caused by us having written the function ⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ using
⟦⟧₁≡⟦⟧₂. What if we write it by induction on the universe codes instead?
module SecondTry where
⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ : (C : U₁) → ⟦ C ⟧₁ → ⟦ U₁→U₂ C ⟧₂
⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ Z₁ tt = tt
⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ (S₁ x) (just y) = just (⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ x y)
⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ (S₁ x) nothing = nothing
prop : (C : U₁) → (x : ⟦ C ⟧₁) → ⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ C (id₁ C x) ≡ ⟦⟧₁→⟦⟧₂ C x
prop Z₁ tt = refl
prop (S₁ x) (just y) = cong just (prop x y)
prop (S₁ x) nothing = refl
Now we can define prop as expected.
My question is: why?
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