[Agda] Agda without emacs?

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at chalmers.se
Mon Aug 15 10:34:32 CEST 2011

On 2011-08-13 19:41, Christoph Herrmann wrote:
> you don't need much in-depth knowledge of emacs, just normal computer science
> installation knowledge, read the installation instructions, and some time to
> install missing libraries explicitly. You can be lucky depending on your version of
> ghc, cabal etc., but be prepared that it may take some time, e.g. for copying files
> like haskell-ghci.el in the right directory and adding "provide ..." definitions
> in the lisp files (you see how that works with looking at the other lisp files)

If you need to add "provide" in some file, then you should report a bug.

Under Debian/Ubuntu the Emacs mode should work out of the box once the
"agda" package is installed. (You may encounter problems if your .emacs
file contains too much cruft.)


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