[Agda] Eta reduction of a function argument in a where block

Wojciech Jedynak wjedynak at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 19:38:21 CEST 2011

Hello everybody!

I have been playing with Martin-Loef's W-types and I noticed a strange
Agda behavior while using the recursor for W-flavored naturals.
I think that in one of the cases in the code below, a function defined
in a where block receives an additional parameter when it's not
supposed to.

I'm sorry that the code is a big long.
The gist is that the function toℕ defined in modules Inside behaves
differently from the one from the InsideEta and Outside modules.

Wojciech Jedynak


module WTypes where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- We define W-types and a recursor on them.

data W : (A : Set) → (B : A → Set) → Set₁ where
  sup : {A : Set} {B : A → Set}
      → (a : A) → (B a → W A B) → W A B

wrec : {A : Set}
     → {B : A → Set}
     → (C : W A B → Set)
     → (d : (x : A)
          → (y : B x → W A B)
          → ((z : B x) → C (y z))
          → C (sup x y))
     → (w : W A B)
     → C w
wrec C d (sup a b) = d a b (λ z → wrec C d (b z))

--  Natural numbers  --

data nat-cs : Set where
  Z S : nat-cs

nat-record : nat-cs → Set
nat-record Z = ⊥
nat-record S = ⊤

nat : Set₁
nat = W nat-cs nat-record

n-zero : nat
n-zero = sup Z ⊥-elim

n-suc : nat → nat
n-suc n = sup S (λ top → n)


To see if the above definition is "correct" we want to
write convertions between ℕ and nat types, and prove them correct.

Whether we can actually do the proof seems to depend on
some cosmetic changes!

Suppose we write:


fromℕ : ℕ → nat
fromℕ zero    = n-zero
fromℕ (suc n) = n-suc (fromℕ n)

-- with iter in a where block

module Inside where

  toℕ : nat → ℕ
  toℕ n = wrec _ iter n module TN where
    iter : (x : nat-cs)
         → (nat-record x → nat)
         → (nat-record x → ℕ)
         → ℕ
    iter Z _ rec = 0
    iter S _ rec = 1 + rec tt

module InsideEta where

  toℕ : nat → ℕ
  toℕ = wrec _ iter module TN where
    iter : (x : nat-cs)
         → (nat-record x → nat)
         → (nat-record x → ℕ)
         → ℕ
    iter Z _ rec = 0
    iter S _ rec = 1 + rec tt

module Outside where
  iter : (x : nat-cs)
       → (nat-record x → nat)
       → (nat-record x → ℕ)
       → ℕ
  iter Z _ rec = 0
  iter S _ rec = 1 + rec tt

  toℕ : nat → ℕ
  toℕ n = wrec _ iter n


We want to prove that toℕ (fromℕ n) ≡ n, for all n : ℕ,
but it seems possible only in the second and third case!


lem : ∀ (n : ℕ) → Inside.toℕ (fromℕ n) ≡ n
lem zero = refl
lem (suc n) with lem n
... | rec = {!!} --cong suc rec

lem2 : ∀ (n : ℕ) → InsideEta.toℕ (fromℕ n) ≡ n
lem2 zero = refl
lem2 (suc n) with lem2 n
... | rec = cong suc rec

lem3 : ∀ (n : ℕ) → Outside.toℕ (fromℕ n) ≡ n
lem3 zero = refl
lem3 (suc n) with lem3 n
... | rec = cong suc rec


When we write 'cong suc rec' in the goal in lem, we get an error:

  fromℕ n != sup S (λ top → fromℕ n) of type W nat-cs nat-record
  when checking that the expression cong suc rec has type
  suc (wrec (λ n → ℕ) (TN.iter (sup S (λ top → fromℕ n))) (fromℕ n)) ≡ suc n

the context in the goal is:

  Goal: suc (wrec (λ n' → ℕ) (TN.iter (sup S (λ top → fromℕ n))) (fromℕ n))
      ≡ suc n
  rec : wrec (λ n' → ℕ) (TN.iter (fromℕ n)) (fromℕ n) ≡ n
  n   : ℕ

The strange thing is that Agda thinks that TN.iter from Inside depends on
the nat argument of toℕ.

Everything works in lem2 and lem3. The context is

  Goal: suc (wrec (λ w → ℕ) TN.iter (fromℕ n)) ≡ suc n
  rec : wrec (λ w → ℕ) TN.iter (fromℕ n) ≡ n


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