[Agda] constructor-headed functions to Set
Brandon Moore
brandon_m_moore at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 13 07:13:28 CEST 2011
I was hoping to use the handling of "constructor-headed functions"to make it possible to write functions whose return type is
computed from implicit arguments (without always explicitly
supplying the arguments).
It seems to work if the body of a definition is just the
function with a computed return type, but
not if it's applied to any additional arguments
(which correspond to computed arrows).
In the example below I've supplied _ for explicit
arguments to make it a little clearer what is
not being inferred
module test where
open import Data.Nat
data T : Set where A : T → T ; R : T
tsem : T → Set
tsem R = ℕ
tsem (A t) = ℕ → tsem t
f : (t : T) → tsem t
f R = 0
f (A x) = λ _ → f x
test1 : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
test1 = f _ -- inferred
test2 : ℕ
test2 = f _ 1 2 -- not inferred
Fixing the case above would be enough
to allow the code I want to write now,
but along the way I considered some code
that might depend on a slightly more general
idea of "constructor-headed function".
When the following function is partially applied
to anything but a function type, it seems like
inference should also be able to solve constraints,
but psem ℕ doesn't work as well as tsem
psem : Set → T → Set
psem X R = X
psem X (A t) = ℕ → psem X t
f' : (t : T) → psem ℕ t
f' R = 0
f' (A x) = λ _ → f' x
test1' : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
test1' = f' _ -- not inferred
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