[Agda] ANN: convenient way to add a with expression from a goal
Wojciech Jedynak
wjedynak at gmail.com
Sun May 29 15:05:44 CEST 2011
Hello everybody!
I'd like to share a new agda-mode functionality for adding a with
expression from a goal. The code & short tutorial are available at
Below I'm copy-pasting the tutorial, you can find it in the repo as
Wojciech Jedynak
(this is a literate Agda file)
This file demonstrates the usage of the agda2-add-with-exp* functions.
The basic idea is to allow a more convenient way to add with expressions
during interactive development.
An example
Suppose we're working with nats and booleans.
module WithClausesTutorial where
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _≟_; _+_)
open import Relation.Nullary
And we want/need to write a comparison function from nats to bool.
equal? : ℕ → ℕ → Bool
I would now create a stub by naming all arguments.
equal? n m = \? -- the backslash is needed to evade a lagda bug
Let's say I recalled the _≟_ function. To use it, we have to add
a with clause. Since we have already created a goal, we have to:
1) delete everything starting from the '=' character
2) write the with clause
3) type '... | res = ?' in the next line or type/copy paste 'equal? n m'
4) load the file and request a case analize on res
This seems to be a very common use case, and going through all of this
quickly gets mundane. One wishes to have it automated!
That's what agda2-add-with-exp* functions are exactly for.
Write the expression you want to analyze using a with expression
in the goal:
equal? n m = {! n ≟ m !}
1) type C-c C-w (w stands for 'with') to get:
equal? n m with n ≟ m
... | cond0 = \?
2) type C-u C-c C-w to get:
equal? n m with n ≟ m
equal? n m | cond0 = \?
For convenience, the file will be loaded, and the cursor will be located
inside the new goal
Actually, both 1 & 2 can work with more that one clause, you only have to
separate them with the usual '|'. For example, try C-c C-w in the goal below:
equal?' : ℕ → ℕ → Bool
equal?' n m = {!n ≟ m | n + m!}
We will get this:
equal?' : ℕ → ℕ → Bool
equal?' n m with n ≟ m | n + m
... | cond0 | cond1 = {!!}
3) type C-c C-x C-w to get:
equal? n m with n ≟ m
equal? n m | yes p = {!!}
equal? n m | no ¬p = {!!}
so 3) is just 2) combined with C-c C-c on the (first) introduced name
Mnemonics for keybidings
C-c C-w
generates the shortest code so it uses the shortest binding
C-u C-c c-w
generates a more detailed version, so a prefix is needed
C-c C-x C-w
combines C-c C-w with one another command, so it has C-x in the middle
That's all! I hope you find this useful!
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