[Agda] Building Coinductive Trees

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Thu May 19 10:13:07 CEST 2011

Hi Brandon,

just on a general note, you are implementing the semantics of 
coinductive data as limit of inductive data for the special case of some 

In terms of vectors and streams, if you have a sequence

   v : (n : Nat) -> Vec A n

of vectors that are subvectors of each other, then it is in bijection 
with a stream

   s : Stream A

conceived as the limit of the vector sequence.

I do not think there is some method much easier than what you are doing. 
  The only thing you could maybe change is to define your subtree 
predicate, wf_builder, inductively.  In terms of vectors,

   data SubVector (A : Set)(m : Nat) :
     forall {n} -> Vec A n -> Vec A (n + m) -> Set
     subNil  : forall (v : Vec A m) -> SubVector A nil v
     subCons : forall {n}(a : A)(w : Vec A n)(v : Vec A (n + m)) ->
       SubVector A w v -> SubVector A (a :: w) (a :: v)

I am attaching a partial development, maybe it provides some inspiration 
for you.  Unfortunately, I have to return to my tax declaration now.


On 17.05.11 5:39 PM, Brandon Moore wrote:
> I am trying to write some code to construct a coinductive tree, given
> a function that returns a finite tree of any given size. I hope
> someone can suggest a cleaner approach. This code I have seems
> like it could be completed, but it's already quite messy, to only handle
> one single constructor.
> Literate agda:
> \begin{code}
> module CTest where
> open import Data.Nat
> open import Coinduction
> open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
> open import Data.Product
> \end{code}
> The inductive tree is indexed by size, and has interesting 1 and 2 argument
> constructors, and a leaf to mark truncation. The coinductive tree just
> has the two interesting constructors.
> \begin{code}
> data P : ℕ → Set where
>    Truncated : P 0
>    Con1 : (n : ℕ) → P n → P (suc n)
>    Con2 : (n : ℕ) → P n → P n → P (suc n)
> data C : Set where
>    Con1 : ∞ C → C
>    Con2 : ∞ C → ∞ C → C
> \end{code}
> A tree builder is just a function that returns a tree of any given size.
> \begin{code}
> builder = (n : ℕ) → P n
> \end{code}
> To ensure the limit is well defined, the tree produced at a given size
> should be a prefix of the tree produced for all larger sizes.
> Maybe this condition should be integrated directly into the definition
> of a tree builder?
> \begin{code}
> truncate : (n m : ℕ) → n ≤ m → P m → P n
> truncate .0 m z≤n p = Truncated
> truncate .(suc m) .(suc n) (s≤s {m} {n} m≤n) (Con1 .n p)
>    = Con1 m (truncate m n m≤n p)
> truncate .(suc m) .(suc n) (s≤s {m} {n} m≤n) (Con2 .n p p')
>    = Con2 m (truncate m n m≤n p) (truncate m n m≤n p')
> wf_builder : builder → Set
> wf_builder b = (n m : ℕ) (l : n ≤ m) → truncate n m l (b m) ≡ b n
> \end{code}
> To actually construct the infinite tree, I want to look at the
> constructor a well-formed builder produces at size 1, define
> new builders for all the recursive positions which invoke the original
> builder at size suc n and return the resulting subtree, and prove
> that the new builder is well-formed.
> Proving all those lemmas is the problem.
> Given the lemmas, I can unroll a builder one step
> into the following representation.
> \begin{code}
> data B : Set where
>    Con1 : ∃ wf_builder → B
>    Con2 : ∃ wf_builder → ∃ wf_builder → B
> check : (b : builder) → wf_builder b → B
> check b wf = {!!}
> \end{code}
> and given that, unroll a builder all the way to an infinite tree.
> \begin{code}
> builderToC : ∃ wf_builder → C
> builderToC (b , wf) with check b wf
> builderToC (b , wf) | Con1 y = Con1 (♯ builderToC y)
> builderToC (b , wf) | Con2 y y' = Con2 (♯ builderToC y) (♯ builderToC y')
> \end{code}
> The problem is in the lemmas. I'll just show the case for Con1.
> First, an inversion lemma saying that if a truncated tree is headed
> by a given constructor, then the original tree was headed by the
> same constructor
> \begin{code}
> truncateInv1 : (n : ℕ) (p : P (suc n)) (m : ℕ) (m≤n : m ≤ n)
>    → ∃ (λ x → truncate (suc m) (suc n) (s≤s m≤n) p ≡ Con1 m x)
>    → ∃ λ x' → p ≡ Con1 n x'
> truncateInv1 n (Con1 .n y) m m≤n (x , eq) = y , refl
> truncateInv1 n (Con2 .n y y') m m≤n (x , ())
> \end{code}
> Next, use this to show that if a well-formed builder produces a
> tree headed by the given constructor at head zero, then it does
> so at all sizes.
> \begin{code}
> buildCon1 : (b : builder) → wf_builder b → b 1 ≡ Con1 0 Truncated
>    → ∀ n → ∃ λ x → b (suc n) ≡ Con1 n x
> buildCon1 b wf eq n = truncateInv1 n (b (suc n)) zero z≤n (Truncated ,
>    trans (wf 1 (suc n) (s≤s z≤n)) eq)
> \end{code}
> These two lemmas would be required for each constructor
> Now, make a new builder which calls the old builder at the next largest
> size and returns the child of Con1, by extracting the witness from the
> existential returned by the last lemma.
> \begin{code}
> buildCon1Child : (b : builder) → wf_builder b → b 1 ≡ Con1 0 Truncated
>    → builder
> buildCon1Child b wf eq n with b (suc n) | wf 1 (suc n) (s≤s z≤n)
> buildCon1Child b wf eq .n | Con1 n y | _ = y
> buildCon1Child b wf eq .n | Con2 n y y' | eq2 with trans eq2 eq ; ... | ()
> \end{code}
> One of these would be required for each recursive argument of each constructor.
> That's bad enough, but what's even worse is proving that the resulting builders
> are well-formed. Here's a single case.
> \begin{code}
> buildCon1ChildWf : (b : builder) (wf : wf_builder b) (eq : b 1 ≡ Con1 0 Truncated)
>    → wf_builder (buildCon1Child b wf eq)
> buildCon1ChildWf b wf eq n m n≤m with
>     b (suc m) | wf 1 (suc m) (s≤s z≤n)
>   | b (suc n) | wf 1 (suc n) (s≤s z≤n)
>   | wf (suc n) (suc m) (s≤s n≤m)
> buildCon1ChildWf b wf eq n m n≤m | bm | wfm | Con2 .n y y' | wfn | eqnm
>    with trans wfn eq ; ... | ()
> buildCon1ChildWf b wf eq n m n≤m
>    | Con2 .m y y' | wfm | Con1 .n y0 | wfn | ()
> buildCon1ChildWf b wf eq n m n≤m
>    | Con1 .m y | wfm | Con1 .n y' | wfn | eqnm with truncate n m n≤m y
> buildCon1ChildWf b wf eq n m n≤m
>    | Con1 .m y | wfm | Con1 .n y' | wfn | refl | .y' = refl
> \end{code}
> Given that, it's possible to start filling in "check" from above
> \begin{code}
> check' : (b : builder) → wf_builder b → B
> check' b wf with inspect (b 1)
> check' b wf | Con1 .0 Truncated with-≡ eq
>    = Con1 ((buildCon1Child b wf eq) , buildCon1ChildWf b wf eq)
> check' b wf | Con2 .0 y y' with-≡ eq = {!!}
> \end{code}
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Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Theoretical Computer Science, University of Munich
Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 Munich, GERMANY

andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
-------------- next part --------------
module BrandonMoore where

open import Level
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Stream renaming (head to headS; tail to tailS)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- * Trivial properties of vector equality

vec0IsNil : {A : Set} (v : Vec A 0) -> v ≡ []
vec0IsNil [] = refl 

vecSIsCons : {A : Set}{n : ℕ} (v : Vec A (suc n)) -> v ≡ head v ∷ tail v
vecSIsCons (a ∷ as) = refl

-- ∷-cong : {A : Set}{n : ℕ}{v w : Vec A n}(a : A) -> v ≡ w -> a ∷ v ≡ a ∷ w
∷-cong : {A : Set}{n : ℕ}{v w : Vec A n}{a b : A} -> 
  a ≡ b -> v ≡ w -> _≡_ {A = Vec A (suc n)} (a ∷ v) (a ∷ w)
∷-cong refl refl = refl

-- * Streams as a sequence of vectors of increasing length

VecStr : Set -> Set
VecStr A = (n : ℕ) -> Vec A n

headVS : {A : Set} -> VecStr A -> A
headVS s = Data.Vec.head (s 1)

tailVS : {A : Set} -> VecStr A -> VecStr A
tailVS s n = Data.Vec.tail (s (suc n))

-- * Converting to proper streams and back

build : {A : Set} -> VecStr A -> Stream A
build s = Stream._∷_ (headVS s) (♯ (build (tailVS s))) 

unroll : {A : Set} -> Stream A -> VecStr A
unroll s 0 = []
unroll s (suc n) = Vec._∷_ (headS s) (unroll (tailS s) n)

-- * Subvector, inductively

data SubVec {A : Set}{m : ℕ} : 
    forall {n} -> Vec A n -> Vec A (n + m) -> Set
    subNil  : forall (v : Vec A m) -> SubVec [] v
    subCons : forall {n}(a : A){w : Vec A n}{v : Vec A (n + m)} ->
      SubVec w v -> SubVec (a ∷ w) (a ∷ v)

subVecTail : forall {A m n}{w : Vec A (suc n)} {v : Vec A (suc (n + m))} -> 
  SubVec w v -> SubVec (tail w) (tail v)
subVecTail (subCons a p) = p

-- * Well-formed sequences of vectors

WF : {A : Set} -> VecStr A -> Set
WF {A = A} s = forall n m -> SubVec (s n) (s (n + m))

tailWF : {A : Set}(s : VecStr A) -> WF s -> WF (tailVS s)
tailWF s p n m = subVecTail (p (suc n) m)

unrollWF : {A : Set}(s : Stream A) -> WF (unroll s)
unrollWF s zero m = subNil (unroll s m)
unrollWF s (suc n) m = subCons (headS s) (unrollWF (tailS s) n m)

-- * The difficult theorem:
--   Starting at a well-formed vector sequence s,
--   if we build a proper stream from it and unroll it again,
--   we get the same sequence.

sound : {A : Set}(s : VecStr A)(p : WF s)(n : ℕ) -> unroll (build s) n ≡ s n
sound s p zero = sym (vec0IsNil (s 0))
sound s p (suc n) with inspect (s (suc n)) 
sound s p (suc n) | (a ∷ as) with-≡ eq = {!eq -- ∷-cong ? ?!}
-- sound s p (suc n) rewrite vecSIsCons (s (suc n)) = {!∷-cong ? ?!}

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