[Agda] ANNOUNCE: Agda 2.2.10

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Tue Feb 22 18:16:16 CET 2011

On 2/22/11 4:12 PM, Jean-Philippe Bernardy wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Nils Anders Danielsson<nad at chalmers.se>  wrote:
>> * Irrelevant declarations.
> I tried to define:
> data Eq (A : Set) (a : A) : .A ->  Set where
>    refl : Eq A a a

This should be rejected by Agda, so this is where the bug is located. 
If you spell this out it means

   data Eq A a .b : Set where
     refl : a == b -> Eq A a b

but b is declared irrelevant.  I will have to revisit irrelevant family 

> but:
> subst : ∀ A a b ->  (P : A ->  Set) ->  Eq A a b ->  P a ->  P b
> subst A a .a p refl = ?
> gives the rather unhelpful message:
> _ != _ of type A
> when checking that the pattern refl has type Eq A a _
> Can somebody offer insight to what is going on?

What is happening here is that the index b was erased (printed as _). 
But two erased things have not necessarily been equal.

The bug described above lets erased things surface, which should not happen.


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