Sized Types [Re: [Agda] proving termination trouble again]
Andreas Abel
andreas.abel at
Sun Mar 21 23:57:58 CET 2010
This must be a freshly introduced bug in Agda-2.2.7
z : ∀ {size} → (n : Nat {↑ size}) → (zero {size} < n) → ∃
{Nat {size}} (λ m → m < n)
z {i} (zero .{i}) ()
z (suc n) _ = n , (≤-refl (suc n))
produces the same error message
size' != size of type Size
when checking that the pattern zero {.i} has type Nat {↑ size}
It is completely obscure to me what size' should be, and why i is not
mentioned instead. Anyway, there should not be an error in the first
On Mar 21, 2010, at 5:27 PM, Ruben Henner Zilibowitz wrote:
> This is an old thread. Nevertheless I tried the file
> ZilibowitzRubenHenner2.agda with stdlib 0.2 and it still didn't
> work. Here is the error.
> ZilibowitzRubenHenner2.agda:38,3-7
> size' != size of type Size
> when checking that the pattern zero has type Nat
> Ruben
> On 18/01/2010, at 10:45 PM, Andreas Abel wrote:
>> That is an issue with universe polymorphism.
>> I am using stdlib 0.2 without uni poly.
>> Probably there is just a level argument (to Rel) missing?!
>> Cheers,
>> Andreas
>> On Jan 17, 2010, at 12:24 AM, Ruben Henner Zilibowitz wrote:
>>> Hi Andreas,
>>> Thanks, but it doesn't work. I'm using agda 2.2.6 with standard
>>> lib 0.3 by the way.
>>> ZilibowitzRubenHenner2.agda:26,12-25
>>> (ℓ : .Level.Level) → Set (.Level._⊔_ (.Level.suc
>>> ℓ))
>>> !=< _18 of type Setω
>>> when checking that the expression Rel (Nat {∞}) has type _18
>>> Ruben
>>> On 16/01/2010, at 12:07 PM, Andreas Abel wrote:
>>>> Hi Ruben,
>>>> here is a translation of your code into something very similiar
>>>> that uses a sized type of natural numbers. Unfortunately, sized
>>>> types are not well integrated into Agda yet, so a sizes have to
>>>> be declared explicitely, and the standard library, which does not
>>>> use sized types, is not usable.
>>>> <ZilibowitzRubenHenner2.agda>
>>>> A few things you need to know:
>>>> - Unspecified sizes default to \infty. For instance, "Nat" is
>>>> really "Nat {\infty}"
>>>> - The successor \uparrow is not a constructor, it cannot be
>>>> matched, but it can appear in dot-patterns.
>>>> - Things are a bit fiddly, so I had to try a bit which sizes I
>>>> need to mention explicitly and which can be inferred sensibly.
>>>> - It is advisable to turn on hidden arguments to see where stuff
>>>> fails.
>>>> If you look at the example where I made sizes more explicit, you
>>>> see that the mutual functions j and helper terminate on the first
>>>> argument "size". It is decreasing in the call j-->helper and
>>>> unchanged in the call back.
>>>> j : ∀ {size} → Nat {size} -> Nat
>>>> j zero = zero
>>>> j .{↑ size} (suc {size} n) = helper {size} (suc n) (z (suc n)
>>>> (s≤s z≤n))
>>>> where
>>>> helper : {size : Size} -> (sn : Nat {↑ size}) -> ∃ {Nat
>>>> {size}} (λ n → n < sn) -> Nat
>>>> helper {size} sn (n , _) = j {size} n
>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Andreas
>>>> On Jan 16, 2010, at 12:25 AM, Ruben Henner Zilibowitz wrote:
>>>>> Hi Andreas,
>>>>> Below is a slightly simpler example. Function j does not
>>>>> termination check. Would you be so kind as to demonstrate how to
>>>>> use sized types to fix this?
>>>>> I'm having some trouble figuring out how sized types are
>>>>> supposed to work exactly.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ruben
>>>>> -----------
>>>>> module TerminationTwoConstructors where
>>>>> open import Data.Nat
>>>>> open import Relation.Binary
>>>>> open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
>>>>> open import Data.Product
>>>>> ≤-refl : _≡_ ⇒ _≤_
>>>>> ≤-refl = IsPreorder.reflexive (IsPartialOrder.isPreorder
>>>>> (IsTotalOrder.isPartialOrder (IsDecTotalOrder.isTotalOrder
>>>>> (DecTotalOrder.isDecTotalOrder decTotalOrder))))
>>>>> z : (n : ℕ) → (0 < n) → ∃ (λ m → m < n)
>>>>> z zero ()
>>>>> z (suc n) _ = n , ≤-refl refl
>>>>> j : ℕ -> ℕ
>>>>> j zero = zero
>>>>> j (suc n) = helper (suc n) (z (suc n) (s≤s z≤n))
>>>>> where
>>>>> helper : (sn : ℕ) -> ∃ (λ n → n < sn) -> ℕ
>>>>> helper sn (n , _) = j n
>>>>> On 12/01/2010, at 8:41 PM, Andreas Abel wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ruben,
>>>>>> from the perspective of the termination checker, there is no
>>>>>> difference in g and h. The proofs of equality/leq are not used
>>>>>> by the termination checker, it only honors structural
>>>>>> ordering. It "sees" that
>>>>>> sn < suc (suc n)
>>>>>> by composing the calls g --> helper --> g.
>>>>>> For function i to termination check, it would have to evaluate
>>>>>> proj_1 whee, but the termination checker does not do any
>>>>>> evaluation (since evaluation (1) is safe only after termination
>>>>>> checking, and (2) leads to unfeasible termination checking (see
>>>>>> the Coq guardedness checker)).
>>>>>> If you want to propagate termination arguments (like sn < ssn)
>>>>>> through functions and data structures, you need more
>>>>>> informative typing, like sized types.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>> On Jan 11, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Ruben Henner Zilibowitz wrote:
>>>>>>> In relation to issue 59:
>>>>>>> Here is another problem I've encountered along similar lines.
>>>>>>> In the code below, the functions f, g, h, and i all are in
>>>>>>> principal the same. However, only g and h pass the termination
>>>>>>> checker. Function f suffers from the problem in issue 59.
>>>>>>> Function g solves it with the same workaround suggested in
>>>>>>> issue 59. Function h solves it in a similar way. The problem
>>>>>>> is function i. It is very similar to function h but the
>>>>>>> argument (sn < ssn) in the helper function is concealed inside
>>>>>>> a product type and needs to be extracted using proj₂ which
>>>>>>> breaks this example. Is this a bug? Sorry for the hard to read
>>>>>>> code and function names..
>>>>>>> The code below is based on Andreas Abel's earlier example..
>>>>>>> Ruben
>>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>>> module TerminationTwoConstructors where
>>>>>>> open import Data.Nat
>>>>>>> open import Relation.Binary
>>>>>>> open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
>>>>>>> open import Data.Product
>>>>>>> bla : ℕ -> ℕ
>>>>>>> bla m = m
>>>>>>> f : ℕ -> ℕ
>>>>>>> f zero = zero
>>>>>>> f (suc zero) = zero
>>>>>>> f (suc (suc n)) with bla (suc (suc n))
>>>>>>> ... | m = f (suc n)
>>>>>>> g : ℕ -> ℕ
>>>>>>> g zero = zero
>>>>>>> g (suc zero) = zero
>>>>>>> g (suc (suc n)) = helper (suc (suc n)) (suc n) refl (bla (suc
>>>>>>> (suc n)))
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> helper : (ssn : ℕ) -> (sn : ℕ) -> (suc sn ≡ ssn) -> (m :
>>>>>>> ℕ) -> ℕ
>>>>>>> helper ssn sn _ m = g sn
>>>>>>> ≤-refl : _≡_ ⇒ _≤_
>>>>>>> ≤-refl = IsPreorder.reflexive (IsPartialOrder.isPreorder
>>>>>>> (IsTotalOrder.isPartialOrder (IsDecTotalOrder.isTotalOrder
>>>>>>> (DecTotalOrder.isDecTotalOrder decTotalOrder))))
>>>>>>> h : ℕ -> ℕ
>>>>>>> h zero = zero
>>>>>>> h (suc zero) = zero
>>>>>>> h (suc (suc n)) = helper (suc (suc n)) (suc n) (≤-refl refl)
>>>>>>> (bla (suc (suc n)))
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> helper : (ssn : ℕ) -> (sn : ℕ) -> (sn < ssn) -> (m : ℕ) -
>>>>>>> > ℕ
>>>>>>> helper ssn sn _ m = h sn
>>>>>>> zog : (n : ℕ) -> (ℕ × n < suc n)
>>>>>>> zog n = n , ≤-refl refl
>>>>>>> i : ℕ -> ℕ
>>>>>>> i zero = zero
>>>>>>> i (suc zero) = zero
>>>>>>> i (suc (suc n)) = let whee = zog (suc n) in helper (suc (suc
>>>>>>> n)) (proj₁ whee) (proj₂ whee) (bla (suc (suc n)))
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> helper : (ssn : ℕ) -> (sn : ℕ) -> (sn < ssn) -> (m : ℕ) -
>>>>>>> > ℕ
>>>>>>> helper ssn sn _ m = i sn
>>>>>> Andreas ABEL
>>>>>> INRIA, Projet Pi.R2
>>>>>> 23, avenue d'Italie
>>>>>> F-75013 Paris
>>>>>> Tel: +
>>>> Andreas ABEL
>>>> INRIA, Projet Pi.R2
>>>> 23, avenue d'Italie
>>>> F-75013 Paris
>>>> Tel: +
>> Andreas ABEL
>> INRIA, Projet Pi.R2
>> 23, avenue d'Italie
>> F-75013 Paris
>> Tel: +
Andreas ABEL
INRIA, Projet Pi.R2
23, avenue d'Italie
F-75013 Paris
Tel: +
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