[Agda] Absurd catch all pattern

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Thu Mar 4 22:14:55 CET 2010

To save myself O(n^2) impossible cases, I'd like to write something like

module CatchAllAbsurdPattern where

data Zero : Set where

record One : Set where

data Three : Set where
   zero : Three
   one  : Three
   two  : Three

Eq : Three -> Three -> Set
Eq zero zero = One
Eq one one = One
Eq two two = One
Eq _ _ = Zero

sym : forall x y -> Eq x y -> Eq y x
sym zero zero H = H
sym one  one  H = H
sym two  two  H = H
sym _    _   ()

The last line is rejected by Agda, since it cannot see that Eq x y is  
empty in the catch-all case.

Is it thinkable to get this accepted?  From my half-knowledge on the  
pattern completeness checker I know that Agda splits on arguments  
during type-checking patterns.  So if it split the catch-all clause as  
well (which it has to do to arrive at a case-tree), it would find  
nothing to complain.  Ulf?


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Andreas ABEL
INRIA, Projet Pi.R2
23, avenue d'Italie
F-75013 Paris
Tel: +

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