[Agda] Universe Hierarchy Problem?

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Tue Dec 8 21:15:47 CET 2009

On Dec 7, 2009, at 7:41 PM, Nils Anders Danielsson wrote:
> On 2009-12-07 03:42, kahl at cas.mcmaster.ca wrote:
>> I have managed to get the error message (from Agda-2.2.4):
>>  Set !=< Set1
>> To me, that seems to indicate the claim that Set is not a subtype of
>> Set1, [...]
> Set is not a subtype of Set₁.

In Ulf's thesis I read (p. 72)

3.7.3 Universe hierarchy
In the presence of a universe hierarchy the logic has to be extended  
by level
metavariables. This is because when we instantiate a metavariable with
a function type as described above, we do not know what levels the new
metavariables should live at. It is unclear at this point how to  
handle the in-
teraction between universe subtyping and level metavariables, since  
this will
introduce inequality constraints between the variables, rather than  
ity constraints. The current implementation turns unsolved  
inequalities into
equality constraints, which will necessarily exclude valid solutions.  
The al-
ternative of keeping the inequality constraints and attempting to  
solve them
globally after type checking is potentially very costly.

Which basically points to a lacking theory of unification in the  
presence of inequality constraints.  Research is needed!  Because  
subtyping is a nice thing to have.

Andreas ABEL
INRIA, Projet Pi.R2
23, avenue d'Italie
F-75013 Paris
Tel: +

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