[Agda] syntax highlighting in darcs agda-mode

Andrea Vezzosi sanzhiyan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 03:42:26 CET 2009

I've switched to the darcs version of agda and i noticed that it
doesn't produce the .el files with the syntax hilighting anymore, so
now you've to first load the file to get it.
This is not much of a problem for my own sources, but i used to
navigate the standard library by opening Everything.agda and following
the module names with M-., now i'd have to load all the standard
library everytime and that requires more than 1.4GB of memory, at
which point i decide to kill it and grep.
I guess i could generate the html version of the sources or browse
them online, but browsing them from emacs was quite convenient for me.

Is this change in behaviour permanent? are there plans to reduce the
memory use? did i simply miss a flag or configuration?

  Andrea Vezzosi.

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