[Agda] Implicit vs. explicit function types

Roly Perera roly.perera at dynamicaspects.org
Sun Sep 27 19:08:58 CEST 2009


I've been using Agda for a couple of weeks and really enjoying it.
I'm now stuck understanding an error message which complains that (of
two function types) "one is an implicit function type and the other is
an explicit function type".

The code below repeats it.  I'm sure it's something very basic that
I'm missing but I'd really appreciate some help.  The problem is with
the type of the pair f , g.

many thanks,

open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Core

  World : Set
  _≤_ : Rel World

≤-resp-≡ : _≤_ Respects₂ _≡_
≤-resp-≡ = f , g where
  f : ∀ {w₁ w₂ w₃} → w₂ ≡ w₃ → w₁ ≤ w₂ → w₁ ≤ w₃
  f {w} {w′} .{w′} refl w≤w′ = w≤w′
  g : ∀ {w₁ w₂ w₃} → w₂ ≡ w₃ → w₂ ≤ w₁ → w₃ ≤ w₁
  g {w} {w′} .{w′} refl w′≤w = w′≤w

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