[Agda] Re: [Coq-Club] Need help with coinductive proof

Thorsten Altenkirch txa at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Thu Aug 27 17:48:12 CEST 2009

Hi Edsko,

> I don't understand; why doesn't there have to be a maximum delay?  
> Isn't that the point of using an inductive definition -- so that tau- 
> left and tau-right can be applied finitely many times? (Note that  
> rules bisim_cozero, bisim_cosucc and bisim_tau allow to "reset" the  
> maximum delay.)

Indeed, I missed the resetting bit. This is indeed a correct encoding  
of the mixed coinductive-inductive relation.

> Note that my data type above, however, is probably not good enough  
> because a proof of (exists i, bisim i m n) cannot use coinduction,  
> as (exists, ..) is not a coinductive type. I'm now trying to use

No, the datatype should be fine. I'll try to understand your problem.

> As regards your other question -- by using a nested coinductive/ 
> inductive definition Coq, do you mean something like
> Inductive weak (R : coN -> coN -> Prop) : coN -> coN -> Prop :=
>   | weak_base : forall m n,
>       R m n ->
>       weak R m n
>   | weak_tau_left : forall m n,
>       weak R m n ->
>       weak R (tau m) n
>   | weak_tau_right : forall m n,
>       weak R m n ->
>       weak R m (tau n).
> CoInductive weak_coN : coN -> coN -> Prop :=
>   | strong_coZ :
>       weak_coN coZ coZ
>   | strong_coS : forall m n,
>       weak_coN m n ->
>       weak_coN (coS m) (coS n)
>   | strong_tau : forall m n,
>       weak_coN m n ->
>       weak_coN (tau m) (tau n)
>   | weak_tau : forall m n,
>       weak weak_coN m n ->
>       weak_coN m n.
> This is a valid definition, but proofs are now painful; a proof L  
> over weak_coN by coinduction cannot recurse over the proof of (weak  
> weak_coN m n) passing L itself as an argument, because the  
> occurrence of L is now not guarded as it occurs as an argument to  
> the induction hypothesis (the recursor) for [weak] (this was the  
> essence of my separate email asking about mixing induction and  
> coinduction in Coq). There are some papers on how to do this ("Using  
> Structural Recursion for Corecursion" is one, but limited in scope  
> and I'm not sure it applies here; "A Unifying Approach to Recursive  
> and Co-recursive Definitions" is much more general, using complete  
> ordered families of equivalances, but is difficult and I haven't yet  
> been brave enough to try it.

I don't think this is going to help here.

The main issue here is that you have a nested definition and hence you  
don't get very far with the induction/coinduction principles Coq  
derives automatically. However, you should be able to derive your own  
using CoFixpoint and Fixpoint.

There was a discussion about this in '97, see
[Coq-Club] Inductive definitions that go through lists
I also posted something on this thread but it seems it didn't make it  
to the archive... The gist of it was:

> Indeed, every strictly positive operator on types F : Type -> Type  
> gives rise to a modality:
> 	P : A -> Type
> 	---------------------
> 	[] F : F A -> Type
> moreover, we have a dependent version of map
> 	f : forall a:A, P a
> 	---------------------------------
> 	dmap f : forall x:F A,[] P x
> Using this, one can formulate a generic eliminator for the inductive  
> type mu F:Type with the constructor
> in : F(mu F) -> mu F:
> 	P : mu F -> Type
>        m :  forall x:F(mu F), [] P x -> P (in x)
> 	------------------------------------------------
> 	elim P m : forall x:mu F,  P x
> and the computation rule
> 	elim P m (in x) = dmap (elim P m) x

> OTOH, it seems we get this for free in Agda -- so a simpler solution  
> should be possible?

There are certainly areas where you are better off with Coq (e.g.  
complex tactic-based proofs), but for playing around with mixed  
coinduction-induction, I think Agda is your choice.


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