[Agda] A puzzle with "with"
James McKinna
james.mckinna at cs.ru.nl
Wed Jun 24 14:40:58 CEST 2009
Dear Agda list,
We have a puzzle concerning the use, semantics, and implementation of "with" in Agda.
Please find attached a source file with holes, which we cannot fill. We think the problem lies in the fact that in pattern matching clauses, the typechecker is either doing to much reduction, or else not enough, to make "obvious" conversions between types OK.
We (myself and Cezary Kaliszyk) are trying to prove some easy things about
insertion sorting.
We have the usual three-way comparison type and a record signature for sorting
which says that the things we wish to sort fit well with the comparison
Now we write "insert" in the usual way ... with a "with" on the
call to the comparison function.
We've tried this both with and without the use of "inspect".
In every case we get complaints from the type-checker, either
that it can't refine the type, or that a feature is not implemented
yet, or that pattern-matching instantiates the wrong part of the type.
In the attached file,
in sorted_insert, at hole { }0 we need a term of type
Sorted(x::y::ys), in order to construct one we need
the result of "comp" (in order to apply sorted_cons2)
but without "inspect" we do not have it.
in sorted_insert2, at hole { }3 we used inspect, but
instead, the type fails to reduce to Sorted(x::y::ys).
in sorted_insert3 we tried to combine the two "with"s,
but the expected type and the type of "p" are
mismatched up to the equality p. Pattern-matching
has instantiated the type on the lhs but not on the rhs.
in sorted_insert4 if we try to use "subst" on the missing
equation, we get
"Not implemented: type checking of with application".
So, we are now very confused about the implementation and
semantics of "with" in Agda. Can you please explain
how one might solve such a problem and learn how to avoid it in the future.
Cezary and James.
-------------- next part --------------
module ulf where
open import Data.List
open import Data.Bool
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
data Compare : Set where
Lt : Compare
Eq : Compare
Gt : Compare
infixl 71 _<->_
data _<->_ (A B : Set) : Set where
biimply : (A -> B) -> (B -> A) -> (A <-> B)
biimply_fwd : {A B : Set} -> (A <-> B) -> (A -> B)
biimply_fwd (biimply f _) = f
record Order : Set1 where
A : Set
Comp : A -> A -> Set
comp : A -> A -> Compare
isLtComp : (a b : A) -> (comp a b â¡ Lt) <-> Comp a b
isEqComp : (a b : A) -> (comp a b â¡ Eq) <-> (a â¡ b)
isGtComp : (a b : A) -> (comp b a â¡ Gt) <-> Comp a b
isTrans : {a b c : A} -> Comp a b -> Comp b c -> Comp a c
module Sort (o : Order) where
A = Order.A o
insert : A -> List A -> List A
insert x [] = x â· []
insert x (y â· ys) with (Order.comp o x y)
... | Lt = x â· (y â· ys)
... | Eq = y â· (insert x ys)
... | Gt = y â· (insert x ys)
sort : List A -> List A
sort [] = []
sort (x â· xs) = insert x (sort xs)
data Sorted : List A -> Set where
sorted_nil : Sorted []
sorted_cons : (x : A) -> Sorted (x â· [])
sorted_cons2 : (x y : A) -> (ys : List A) -> Sorted (y â· ys) -> (Order.Comp o x y) -> Sorted (x â· (y â· ys))
insert_lt : (x y : A) -> (ys : List A) -> Sorted (y â· ys) -> (Order.comp o x y â¡ Lt) -> Sorted (x â· (y â· ys))
insert_lt x y ys yysp xyp = sorted x cons2 y ys yysp (biimply_fwd (Order.isLtComp o x y) xyp)
sorted_insert : (x : A) -> (xs : List A) -> Sorted xs -> Sorted (insert x xs)
sorted_insert x [] _ = sorted_cons x
sorted_insert x (y â· ys) prf with Order.comp o x y
sorted_insert x (y â· ys) prf | Lt = {! !}
sorted_insert x (y â· ys) prf | Eq = {! !}
sorted_insert x (y â· ys) prf | Gt = {! !}
sorted_insert2 : (x : A) -> (xs : List A) -> Sorted xs -> Sorted (insert x xs)
sorted_insert2 x [] _ = sorted_cons x
sorted_insert2 x (y â· ys) prf with inspect (Order.comp o x y)
sorted_insert2 x (y â· ys) prf | Lt with-â¡ p = {! !}
sorted_insert2 x (y â· ys) prf | Eq with-â¡ p = {! !}
sorted_insert2 x (y â· ys) prf | Gt with-â¡ p = {! !}
sorted_insert3 : (x : A) -> (xs : List A) -> Sorted xs -> Sorted (insert x xs)
sorted_insert3 x [] _ = sorted_cons x
sorted_insert3 x (y â· ys) prf with inspect (Order.comp o x y)
sorted_insert3 x (y â· ys) prf | Lt with-â¡ p with Order.comp o x y
sorted_insert3 x (y â· ys) prf | Lt with-â¡ p | Lt = insert_lt x y ys prf {! p!}
sorted_insert3 x (y â· ys) prf | Lt with-â¡ p | Eq = {! !}
sorted_insert3 x (y â· ys) prf | Lt with-â¡ p | Gt = {! !}
sorted_insert3 x (y â· ys) prf | Eq with-â¡ p = {! !}
sorted_insert3 x (y â· ys) prf | Gt with-â¡ p = {! !}
sorted_insert4 : (x : A) -> (xs : List A) -> Sorted xs -> Sorted (insert x xs)
sorted_insert4 x [] _ = sorted_cons x
sorted_insert4 x (y â· ys) prf with inspect (Order.comp o x y)
sorted_insert4 x (y â· ys) prf | Lt with-â¡ p = {! subst (Sorted (insert x (y â· ys) | Lt)) (Sorted (insert x (y â· ys) | Order.comp o x y)) (sym p) ? !}
sorted_insert4 x (y â· ys) prf | Eq with-â¡ p = {! !}
sorted_insert4 x (y â· ys) prf | Gt with-â¡ p = {! !}
sorted_sort : (x : List A) -> Sorted (sort x)
sorted_sort [] = sorted_nil
sorted_sort (x â· []) = sorted_cons x
sorted_sort (x â· (y â· ys)) with (sorted_sort (y â· ys))
sorted_sort (x â· (y â· [])) | sorted_cons .y = sorted_insert x (y â· []) sorted y cons
sorted_sort (x â· (y â· (z â· zs))) | w = sorted_insert x (insert y (insert z (sort zs))) w
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