[Agda] emacs problem

Andreas Buechele andreas.buechele at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 28 13:23:14 CEST 2009

Nils Anders Danielsson schrieb:
> Are you running MacOS? In that case you do not need to set
> agda2-fontset-name to nil, because that is the default. (Should be the
> default, anyway; I have not tested the code under MacOS.)

No, I'm running gentoo linux with emacs-22. It is freshly installed, on
my old system it worked great.

I'm wondering why the font
-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 is missing. So I think
it's more a gentoo issue than a agda issue.

> This should be
>  (custom-set-variables '(agda2-fontset-name nil))
> (without the quotes).
> Please reply with more information if this does not help.

Thanks, unqouting helps with emacs-22.

Last night i've updated to emacs-23 and this worked without any
additional configuration. Now I keep at emacs-23.


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