[Agda] AIM 9 summary

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Mon Dec 8 15:54:25 CET 2008


Some highlights from AIM 9:

* The wiki is better organised, and some missing pieces have been filled
   in. It is hopefully easier for a newcomer to find relevant
   information now.

* Detailed instructions for how to install Agda on a Mac have been
   written by Shin-Cheng Mu.

* Mutual recursion/corecursion has been implemented by Andreas Abel.

* Ulf has started work on optimising Agda. By using a pointer
   representation of terms we hope to achieve faster equality checks, and
   this representation should also make it easy to switch from
   call-by-name to call-by-need.

* The Emacs mode has been improved: One can compile using C-c C-x C-c.
   More syntax highlighting info is available when there is a type error.
   Left-clicking on an identifier no longer leads to a jump to its
   definition. Restart (C-c C-x C-r) now restarts GHCi. Many commands by
   default normalise (no need for C-u). One can load using C-c C-l.

There were also a number of more applied code sprints. As far as I know
only Conor's ornaments are available to play with so far, but more code
may yet show up.

See the wiki for further details:



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