[Agda] Re: [Coq-Club] Re: Agda beats Coq (was: Termination proof in partiality monad)

Álvaro García Pérez agarcia at babel.ls.fi.upm.es
Mon Nov 24 12:59:56 CET 2008

Hi Dan,

Where can I find the reference you mentioned about the Anton Setzer's
coalgebraic syntax?

> (I realize this is probably confusing, since I just defined anaConat in
> of cozero and cosuc. It might help to look at Anton Setzer's proposed
> coalgebraic syntax for corecursive functions, where instead of working
> pseudo-constructors like cosuc, you simply describe the observations you
> Then you can define the pseudo-constructors and corecursion in terms of
> primitive:



2008/11/23 Dan Doel <dan.doel at gmail.com>

> On Saturday 22 November 2008 1:23:52 pm Aaron Bohannon wrote:
> > I have been trying to working coinductive data and definitions
> > recently and have found that Coq been very helpful in developing
> > intuition about this sort of thing.  So I found your remarks below
> > very interesting.  Specifically, you seem to imply that a
> > CoInductive/codata definition in Coq/Agda permits some operations that
> > an abstract type with an "observe" function would not permit.  Can you
> > (or anyone else) be more specific about what these would be?
> (It should be noted that I have experience only with Agda's codata, so I'm
> simply assuming that Coq's CoInductive is about the same.)
> I wouldn't say that one permits operations that the other doesn't. I'd
> rather
> say that the intuitions promoted by one are better or worse for helping
> write
> correct proofs/reasoning about your programs. Specifically, it leads one
> (me at
> least) to think that various expressions involving codata should behave
> like
> their syntactically-almost-identical analogues with data/Inductive, *but
> they
> don't*. Perhaps the biggest problem is using the codata coconstructors (for
> lack of a better term) as if they were data constructors.
> Consider the type of natural numbers:
>    data Nat : Set where
>      zero : Nat
>      suc  : Nat -> Nat
> And suppose we have:
>  i, j, k : Nat
>  j = suc i
>  k = suc i
> And we want to know if j == k. Well, this is easy, because we see that j
> and k
> were both built using i and the suc constructor. That's how inductive data
> works, two values are the same if they were *built* the same way.
> So now we turn to the codata analogue:
>    codata Conat : Set where
>      cozero : Conat
>      cosuc  : Conat -> Conat
> And we consider:
>  i, j : Conat
>  i ~ cosuc i -- ~ is used in Agda instead of = for corecursive definitions
>  j ~ cosuc i
> And we want to know if i and j are the same. Now, the syntax here might
> lead
> one (me certainly) to think that this is just trivial. i and j are *built*
> the
> same way, so they must be the same, just like inductive data. However,
> that's
> *not* how codata works. Two coinductive values are the same if *they
> produce
> the same series of observations*. So, proving i and j are the same is no
> longer trivial, and you have to talk about how one is a bisimulation of the
> other and such.
> If we look at the categorical semantics of the two types, we may figure out
> where things are going wrong. Inductive types can be given initial algebra
> semantics, where Nat above goes something like:
>  N X = 1 + X is a functor
>  (A, a : N A -> A) is an algebra for that functor
>  Nat is an initial object in the category of such algebras, which means
> that
>  for any other algebra that fits the above form, there is a unique morphism
>  from the Nat algebra to it. This looks like (using Agda for notation):
>    cataNat :  {A : Set} -> A -> (A -> A) -> Nat -> A
> And "cataNat" should be a pretty familiar function:
>  cataNat z s zero    = z
>  cataNat z s (suc n) = s (cataNat z s n)
> So, just to be explicit, using inductive constructors to build inductive
> values corresponds to applying the morphism of the algebra, and pattern
> matching corresponds to using the unique morphism whose existence was
> proven
> by initiality. Now, consider coinductive types, which are given by terminal
> coalgebra semantics:
>  C X = 1 + X is a functor
>  (A, a : A -> C A) is a coalgebra for that functor
>  Conat is a terminal object in the category of such algebras, which means
>  that for any other coalgebra that fits the above form, there is a unique
>  morphism from it to Conat. This looks like:
>    anaConat : {A : Set} -> (A -> 1 + A) -> A -> Conat
> Which looks like:
>  anaConat f a with f a
>  ... | inl () ~ cozero
>  ... | inr a' ~ cosuc (anaConat f a')
> However, there's a subtle difference in the way this corresponds to the
> categorical semantics that differs from the inductive case. While in the
> inductive case, application of the algebra morphism corresponded to
> building a
> value with a constructor, in the coinductive case, *it corresponds to
> destructing a coinductive value and looking at it*. In other words, pattern
> matching. In short, one might say that for inductive data, building is
> simple,
> and destroying is complex, whereas the opposite is true for coinductive
> codata.
> And, I think that the coinductive syntax is misleading on this front, when
> you
> see:
>  j ~ cosuc i
> You may think, "j is built from an i and a cosuc constructor", but *this is
> not the case*. Rather the "cosuc" used as a constructor is better thought
> of
> as something like:
>  cosuc : Conat -> Conat
>  cosuc n = anaConat f (Just n)
>  f : Maybe Conat -> 1 + Maybe Conat
>  f (Just n) with observe n
>  ... | inl () = inr Nothing
>  ... | inr n' = inr (Just n')
>  f Nothing = inl ()
> Which has the net effect of producing one additional 'inr' observation
> beyond
> whatever the original Conat produced. Of course, this is probably overly
> elaborate, but the point is that the value in question cannot simply be
> thought of as trivially as the previous value with another constructor box
> wrapped around it.
> (I realize this is probably confusing, since I just defined anaConat in
> terms
> of cozero and cosuc. It might help to look at Anton Setzer's proposed
> coalgebraic syntax for corecursive functions, where instead of working with
> pseudo-constructors like cosuc, you simply describe the observations you
> see.
> Then you can define the pseudo-constructors and corecursion in terms of
> this
> primitive:
>  cozero *     = inl ()
>  (cosuc n) * = inr n
>  (anaConat f a) * = bimap id (anaConat f) (f a)
> where:
>  bimap : {a b c d : Set} -> (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> a + b -> c + d
>  bimap f _ (inl a) = inl (f a)
>  bimap _ g (inr b) = inr (g b)
> Hopefully that's clear.)
> And, of course, this explains why indexing with specialized codata
> 'constructors' in a family doesn't seem to work very well, because:
>  data Foo : Conat -> Set where
>    bar : {c : Conat} -> Foo c -> Foo (cosuc c)
> Is not simply working with constructors. It'd be akin to writing something
> like:
>  data Baz : Nat -> Set where
>    blorf : {n : Nat} -> Foo n -> Foo (quux n)
> Where quux is some arbitrary function. Except the situation is probably
> even
> worse, because normalization of quux n probably helps (I'm not exactly sure
> what the dual situation situation with inductive data is. Perhaps Foo (quux
> n)
> -> Foo n, where you'd have to compute the inverse of quux, or otherwise
> prove
> something onerous merely to construct a value), whereas you can't simply
> turn
> a coinductive value into some normal form consisting of only constructors
> (since it's potentially infinite).
> So, to sum up, it seems to me that codata/CoInductive encourages one to
> think
> about coinductive values in the same way as inductive values despite that
> that
> leads to mistakes. The coalgebraic formulation and explicit observation (or
> not; Anton Setzer explained how to think of the current syntax in terms of
> his, and Nils Anders Danielsson showed here earlier how you can use pattern
> matching on coinductive values in lieu of a destruction operation, since
> pattern matching is the codata operation that corresponds to the coalgebra
> morphism) is closer to the actual semantics, and seems to stop these
> think-os
> from happening (rather than fixing up an inductive-like use with some
> explicitly placed evaluation, like you see in some of the original proofs
> for
> the partiality monad).
> Anyhow, I think that's about the end of my rambling. Hopefully that was
> useful
> to you or someone else, but even if not, it helped me to get my thoughts on
> the situation in order. As a caveat, I should note that the categorical
> semantics above are only good for inductive and coinductive types, not
> inductive and coinductive families and such that you'll find in Coq and
> Agda.
> The relevant literature for the latter is a bit above my head at the
> moment.
> Nevertheless, I think it's good enough to elucidate the source of the
> problems
> people are having currently.
> Also, if anything I said above was incorrect, I hope someone will correct
> me.
> :)
> Cheers,
> -- Dan
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