[Agda] Codata and "with" matching
Shin-Cheng Mu
scm at iis.sinica.edu.tw
Tue Sep 2 18:55:02 CEST 2008
This is about an anomaly that confused me when we were
experimenting with codata. The following code uses
the standard library.
module Stream where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Function
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
{- Define stream as codata -}
codata Stream (A : Set) : Set where
_∷ˢ_ : A -> Stream A -> Stream A
{- head and tail -}
head : {A : Set} -> Stream A -> A
head (x ∷ˢ _) = x
tail : {A : Set} -> Stream A -> Stream A
tail (_ ∷ˢ xs) = xs
{- and unfold -}
unfoldˢ : {A B : Set} -> (B -> A × B) -> B -> Stream A
unfoldˢ f b with f b
... | (a , b') ~ a ∷ˢ unfoldˢ f b'
{- Bisimulation. Well, this is only bisimulation specialised
to streams. -}
codata _∼_ {A : Set} : Stream A -> Stream A -> Set where
bisim : {xs ys : Stream A} -> head xs ≡ head ys ->
tail xs ∼ tail ys -> xs ∼ ys
{- Now I would like to prove this unfold fusion rule -}
unfoldˢ-fusion : {A B C : Set} {f : B -> A × B} {h : C -> B} {g : C -
> A × C} ->
(forall x -> f (h x) ≡ map-× id h (g x)) ->
(forall x -> unfoldˢ f (h x) ∼ unfoldˢ g x)
unfoldˢ-fusion {f = f} {h = h} {g = g} fuse x ~ bisim {! !} {! !}
{- The two holes have (normalised) types:
?0 : (.Relation.Binary.Core._≡_ (head (unfoldˢ f (h x) | f (h
(head (unfoldˢ g x | g x)))
?1 : (tail (unfoldˢ f (h x) | f (h x)) ∼ tail (unfoldˢ g x | g
which seem to hint at performing a "with" matching on
f (h x) or g x. Indeed it seems like the right thing to do
to expand the definitions before we can prove that
head (unfoldˢ f (h x)) equals head (unfoldˢ g x).
However, after performing a "with":
unfoldˢ-fusion {f = f} {h = h} {g = g} fuse x with f (h x)
... | (i , j) ~ bisim {! !} {! !}
The types of the holes do not change at all:
?0 : (.Relation.Binary.Core._≡_ (head (unfoldˢ f (h x) | f (h
(head (unfoldˢ g x | g x)))
?1 : (tail (unfoldˢ f (h x) | f (h x)) ∼ tail (unfoldˢ g x | g
Why isn't "with" refining the types?
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