[Agda] Agda-2.1.3 build error

Ruben Henner Zilibowitz rzilibowitz at yahoo.com.au
Wed Jun 4 11:49:05 CEST 2008


I am getting the following error trying to build Agda-2.1.3 using  
GHC-6.8.2. If anyone could help me solve it I'd appreciate it.

[112 of 170] Compiling Agda.TypeChecking.Serialise ( src/full/Agda/ 
TypeChecking/Serialise.hs, dist/build/Agda/TypeChecking/Serialise.o )

     Couldn't match expected type `((t, t1), t2)'
            against inferred type `Data.Binary.Put.PairS ((), PutState)'
     In the expression: B.unPut (S.runStateT (unPutT p) initialState)
     In a pattern binding:
         ((_, st), builder) = B.unPut (S.runStateT (unPutT p)  
     In the definition of `runPut':
         runPut p = (B.toLazyByteString builder, getState)
                      ((_, st), builder) = B.unPut (S.runStateT  
(unPutT p) initialState)
                      getState = IntMap.fromList $ map swap $  
Map.toList $ thingMap st
                      swap (x, y) = (y, x)
make: *** [dist/build-complete] Error 1


Ruben Zilibowitz

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