[Agda] Help with proofs

Nils Anders Danielsson nils.anders.danielsson at gmail.com
Tue May 6 16:21:01 CEST 2008

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:52 AM, Tristan Wibberley
<tristan at wibberley.org> wrote:
>  It seems that the type of a proof object differs depending on the
>  definitions of the functions used to define its type

I am not quite sure I follow you, but you should note that Agda (and
similar systems like Epigram and Coq) implement the conversion rule,
which basically states that β(η)-equivalent things are

If you want to define a function which does not evaluate, then you can
use the "abstract" keyword:


    f : A -> B
    f x = rhs

When type checking things outside the scope of the abstract blocks in
the given module f will not evaluate. You can "force" the evaluation
of f yourself by defining and using a lemma:


    f-eval : forall x -> f x ≡ rhs
    f-eval = ≡-refl

However, this will most likely be rather awkward and heavy-weight. If
you want to work like this, then I recommend some system with good
support for automation, like Coq or Isabelle.


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