[Agda] emptiness checking with strings

Ulf Norell ulfn at cs.chalmers.se
Thu Jan 31 08:45:57 CET 2008

On Jan 31, 2008 2:09 AM, Dan Licata <drl at cs.cmu.edu> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Given the usual equality type Id M N and the empty type Void, I'd like
> to write a function
> contra : Id "nat" "exp" -> Void
> contra ()
> However, the emptiness checker doesn't notice that this type is
> uninhabited (like it would if "nat" and "exp" were two different
> constructors of a datatype).
> Does anyone know a workaround?  Also, would it be hard to catch this
> case (i.e., treat string literals as constructors), or is this just a
> feature that's not implemented yet?

It wouldn't be hard at all. In fact a patch has just been pushed that fixes
the issue.

/ Ulf
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