[Agda] PreorderReasoning not Polymorphic Enough?
Shin-Cheng Mu
scm at iis.sinica.edu.tw
Fri Dec 21 18:46:32 CET 2007
In the Standard Library, the (very useful) combinators for
equational reasoning is defined in a parameterised module
Relation.Binary.PreorderReasoning which, given any Preorder,
produces the needed operators begin_, _≈⟨_⟩_, and _∎.
However, it appears that I have to generate one instance
of these operators for every carrier type I am performing
equational reasoning on. The problem seems to have been
noticed before, as seen in the comments in
-- Relation.Binary.EqReasoning is more convenient to use with _≡_
-- the combinators take the type argument (a) as a hidden argument,
-- instead of being locked to a fixed type at module instantiation
-- time.
That is, rather than being tied to a fixed carrier, we may
need a module that somehow accepts, for example, these information:
(_∼_ : {A : Set} -> A -> A -> Set)
(refl : {A : Set}{x : A} -> x ∼ x)
(trans : {A : Set}{x y z : A} -> x ∼ y -> y ∼ z -> x ∼ z)
and produces combinators of type (e.g):
_∼⟨_⟩_ : {A : Set} (x : A) {y z : A} -> x ∼ y ->
y IsRelatedTo z -> x IsRelatedTo z
However, even this may not be enough. In a recent experiment of
mine I wished to reason about functions using pointwise
equality (that is, f ≐ g iff forall a -> f a = g a). The
types of _≐_ and its reflexive and transitivity rules look like:
_≐_ : {A B : Set} -> (A -> B) -> (A -> B) -> Set
≐-refl : {A B : Set}{f : A -> B} -> f ≐ f
≐-trans : {A B : Set}{f g h : A -> B} -> f ≐ g -> g ≐ h -> f
≐ h
And therefore, I may need a module offering combinators
having types:
_∼⟨_⟩_ : {A B : Set} (x : F A B) {y z : F A B} -> x ∼ y ->
y IsRelatedTo z -> x IsRelatedTo z
where (F : Set -> Set -> Set) is also a parameter to
the module.
Now I am using my revised version of these modules for
the particular cases I need. Is there a general solution?
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