[Agda] New syntax of agda for linux?

Anton Setzer A.G.Setzer at swansea.ac.uk
Mon Dec 18 20:43:26 CET 2006


I tried to install on my linux machine agda with the new syntax but
end up with an old version.
I have the feeling the reason is that currently there is only an
old version source code version of Agda available under sourceforge,
the newest versions are for windows and for the mac.

Since I am teaching Agda in the new year and since I don't want
to switch to windows, I would greatly appreciate if a source code
version of the newest version of Agda would be made available, so that I
can install it under linux.


Anton Setzer                            Telephone:
Department of Computer Science          (national)        (01792) 513368
University of Wales Swansea             (international) +44 1792  513368
Singleton Park                          Fax:
Swansea SA2 8PP                         (national)        (01792) 295708
UK                                      (international) +44 1792  295708

Visiting address:                       Email: a.g.setzer at swan.ac.uk
Faraday Building,                       WWW:
Computer Science Dept.            http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/~csetzer/
2nd floor, room 211.

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