[Agda] 2 questions

Danko Ilik danko at student.chalmers.se
Fri Dec 30 19:25:32 CET 2005


I'm trying to use Agda, the Types 2005 summer school version.

1. I get the following error when I check-load: "error in process 
filter: Stack overflow in regexp matcher". Do you have any suggestion on 
how to avoid this?

2. How can I define an axiom of a type which is not Set? In agdalight 
you just leave out the proof term, but here it doesn't work...

I attach the problematic file ExtAC.agda. The axiom which I want to have 
is ExtAC.

Thanks and happy holidays,
-------------- next part --------------
--#include "Framework.agda"

-- The extensional axiom of choice
ExtAC :: ((A,B::Set) |-> (R::A->B->Set) -> 
          (eqA::Rel A) -> (eqB::Rel B) -> 
          EquivRel eqA -> EquivRel eqB -> 
          ((x,y::A) -> x `eqA` y -> (z::B) -> R x z -> R y z) ->
          ((x,y::B) -> x `eqB` y -> (z::A) -> R z x -> R z y) -> 
          ((x::A) -> Exists (\y -> R x y)) ->
          Exists (\(f::A->B) -> 
                  ((x::A) -> R x (f x)) /\ 
                  ((x,y::A) -> x `eqA` y -> (f x) `eqB` (f y))))
ExtAC = ?

LEM :: (P::Set) -> P \/ Not P
LEM P = let -- an equivalence relation on Bool
            eqb :: Rel Bool
            eqb = \a b -> case a of 
                                 (False)-> case b of 
                                           (False)-> Unit 
                                           (True)-> Empty 
                                 (True)-> case b of 
                                          (False)-> Empty
                                          (True)-> Unit
            Equiv_eqb :: EquivRel eqb
            Equiv_eqb = struct 
                          isRefl:: Reflexive eqb
                          isRefl  = \(x::Bool)-> 
                                    case x of 
                                        (False)-> unit
                                        (True)-> unit
                          isSymm:: Symmetrical eqb
                          isSymm  = \(x1,x2::Bool) |-> \(h::eqb x1 x2)-> 
                                    case x1 of 
                                    (False)-> case x2 of 
                                              (False)-> unit
                                              (True)-> h 
                                    (True)-> case x2 of 
                                             (False)-> h
                                             (True)-> unit
                          isTrans:: Transitive eqb
                          isTrans  = \(x1,x2,x3::Bool) |-> 
                                \(h1::eqb x1 x2)-> 
                                \(h2::eqb x2 x3)-> 
                                    case x1 of
                                    (False)-> case x2 of
                                              (False)-> case x3 of
                                                        (False)-> unit
                                                        (True)-> h2
                                              (True) -> case x3 of
                                                        (False) -> unit
                                                        (True) -> h1
                                    (True) -> case x2 of
                                              (False)-> case x3 of
                                                        (False)-> h1
                                                        (True)-> unit
                                              (True) -> case x3 of
                                                        (False) -> h2
                                                        (True) -> unit

            -- eqb is decidable
            Decid_eqb :: (x,y::Bool) -> eqb x y \/ Not (eqb x y)
            Decid_eqb x y = case x of 
                            (False)-> case y of 
                                      (False)-> orI1 unit 
                                      (True)-> orI2 (\ff -> ff )
                            (True)-> case y of 
                                     (False)-> orI2 (\ff -> ff )
                                     (True)-> orI1 unit 

            -- the relation R
            R :: Rel Bool
            R a b = eqb a b \/ P

            -- which is an equivalence
            EquivR :: EquivRel R
            EquivR = struct  --ova moze mnogu poednostavno samo orI1 i Equiv_eq
                     isRefl :: Reflexive R
                     isRefl = \(x::Bool)-> 
                              case x of 
                              (False)-> orI1 unit
                              (True)-> orI1 unit 
                     isSymm:: Symmetrical R
                     isSymm  = \(x1,x2::Bool) |-> \(h::R x1 x2)->  
                               case x1 of 
                               (False)-> case x2 of 
                                         (False)-> orI1 unit
                                         (True)-> h
                               (True)-> case x2 of 
                                        (False)-> h
                                        (True)-> orI1 unit
                     isTrans:: Transitive R
                     isTrans  = \(x1,x2,x3::Bool) |-> 
                                \(h1::Plus (eqb x1 x2) P)-> 
                                \(h2::Plus (eqb x2 x3) P)-> 
                                    case x1 of
                                    (False)-> case x2 of
                                              (False)-> case x3 of
                                                        (False)-> orI1 unit
                                                        (True)-> h2
                                              (True) -> case x3 of
                                                        (False) -> orI1 unit
                                                        (True) -> h1
                                    (True) -> case x2 of
                                              (False)-> case x3 of
                                                        (False)-> h1
                                                        (True)-> orI1 unit
                                              (True) -> case x3 of
                                                        (False) -> h2
                                                        (True) -> orI1 unit

            -- R is left-extensional
            LExtR :: (x,y::Bool) -> R x y -> (z::Bool) -> R x z -> R y z
            LExtR x y h1 z h2 = EquivR.isTrans (EquivR.isSymm h1) h2 

            -- R is right-extensional
            RExtR :: (x,y::Bool) -> eqb x y -> (z::Bool) -> R z x -> R z y
            RExtR x y h1 z h2 = EquivR.isTrans h2 (orI1 h1)

            -- use ExtAC to get the choice function
            choicef :: Exists (\(f::Bool->Bool) -> 
                               ((x::Bool) -> R x (f x)) /\ 
                               ((x,y::Bool) -> x `R` y -> (f x) `eqb` (f y)))
            choicef = let lemma :: (x::Bool) -> Exists (\y -> R x y)
                          lemma = \(x::Bool)-> pair x (EquivR.isRefl x )
                      in ExtAC R R eqb EquivR Equiv_eqb LExtR RExtR lemma

            -- extract the function only
            cf :: Bool->Bool
            cf = fst choicef

            -- decidability, direction 1
            decid1 :: eqb (cf False) (cf True) -> P
            decid1 =
                 lemma7 :: R False True -> P
                 lemma7 h = orE h 
                                (\ff -> whenEmpty P ff )
                                (\p -> p )
                 lemma5 :: (x,y::Bool) -> eqb (cf x) (cf y) -> R x y
                 lemma5 x y h = 
                      step1 :: R x (cf x)
                      step1 = snd choicef
                      step2 :: R x (cf y)
                      step2 = RExtR (cf x )
                                    (cf y )
                                    (fst (snd choicef))
                      step3 :: R y (cf y)
                      step3 = snd choicef 
                      step4 :: R (cf y) y
                      step4 = EquivR.isSymm step3 
                     in EquivR.isTrans step2 step4
                in \h -> lemma7 (lemma5 False True h) 

            -- decidability, direction 2
            decid2 :: P -> eqb (cf False) (cf True)
            decid2 =
                let lemma8 :: P -> R False True
                    lemma8 = orI2
                    lemma6 :: (x,y::Bool) -> R x y -> eqb (cf x) (cf y)
                    lemma6 = snd (snd choicef )
                in \h -> lemma6 False True (lemma8 h)

            -- a logical tautology we need
            taut (A,B,C,D::Set) :: A \/ B -> (A->C) -> (B->D) -> C \/ D
            taut = \(h::Plus A B)-> 
                   \(h1::A -> C)-> 
                   \(h2::B -> D)-> 
                   orE h 
                        orI1 (h1 a ))
                        orI2 (h2 b ))

            -- and an other one, constraposition
            contrap (A,B::Set) :: (A->B) -> Not B -> Not A
            contrap h1 h2 = \a -> h2 (h1 a)

        in taut (Decid_eqb (cf False) (cf True)) 
                (contrap decid2)

-------------- next part --------------

--- The empty set  --------------------------------------------------------
-- The empty set corresponds to absurdity ---------------------------------

data Empty :: Set = 

elimEmpty ::  (C::Empty -> Set) -> (z::Empty) -> C z
elimEmpty C z = case z of { }

whenEmpty ::  (X::Set) -> Empty -> X
whenEmpty X z = case z of { }

Not :: Set -> Set 
Not X = X -> Empty
absurdElim (A::Set) :: A -> Not A -> (X::Set) -> X
absurdElim h h' X = whenEmpty X (h' h)

--- The unit set  ---------------------------------------------------------
-- The unit set corresponds to truth --------------------------------------

data Unit :: Set  = unit

elimUnit ::  (C::Unit -> Set) -> (c_unit::C unit) -> (u::Unit) -> C u
elimUnit C c_unit u = case u of 
                            (unit) -> c_unit

-- The (binary) disjoint union. -------------------------------------------
-- Corresponds to or ------------------------------------------------------

data Plus (X,Y::Set)  = inl (x::X) | inr (y::Y)

elimPlus (X,Y::Set) :: 
    (C::Plus X Y -> Set) ->
    (c_lft::(x::X) -> C (inl x)) ->
    (c_rgt::(y::Y) -> C (inr y)) ->
    (xy::Plus X Y) ->
    C xy
elimPlus C c_lft c_rgt xy = case xy of 
                                  (inl x) -> c_lft x
                                  (inr y) -> c_rgt y

whenPlus (X,Y,Z::Set) ::  (f::X -> Z) -> (g::Y -> Z) -> (Plus X Y -> Z)
whenPlus f g = \xy ->
             case xy of 
                 (inl x) -> f x
                 (inr y) -> g y

mapPlus (X1,X2,Y1,Y2::Set) :: 
    (f::X1 -> X2) -> (g::Y1 -> Y2) -> (Plus X1 Y1 -> Plus X2 Y2)
mapPlus f g = whenPlus (\x1 -> inl (f x1)) (\y1 -> inr (g y1))

-- Dependent pairs. -------------------------------------------------------
-- Corresponds to existential ---------------------------------------------

data Sigma (|X::Set) (Y::X -> Set) = 
       pair (x::X)(y::Y x)
fst (X::Set)(Y::(X -> Set)) ::  Sigma Y -> X
fst xy = case xy of 
             (pair x y) -> x

snd (X::Set)(Y::(X -> Set)) ::  (xy::Sigma Y) -> Y (fst xy)
snd xy = case xy of 
                   (pair x y) -> y

curry (X::Set)(Y::(X -> Set))(Z::Set) :: 
    (f::Sigma (\x -> Y x) -> Z) -> (x::X) |-> (Y x -> Z)
curry f = \x |-> \y -> f (pair x y)

uncurry (X::Set)(Y::(X -> Set))(Z::Set) :: 
    ((x::X) -> (Y x -> Z)) -> Sigma (\x -> Y x) -> Z
uncurry  f xy = f (fst xy) (snd xy)

curryS (X::Set)(Y::(X -> Set)) :: 
    (Z::Sigma (\x -> Y x) -> Set) ->
    (f::(xy::Sigma (\x -> Y x)) -> Z xy) ->
    (x::X) ->
    (y::Y x) ->
    Z (pair x y)
curryS Z f = \(x::X) -> \(y::Y x) -> f (pair x y)

uncurryS (X::Set)(Y::(X -> Set)) :: 
    (Z::Sigma (\x -> Y x) -> Set) ->
    (f::(x::X) -> (y::Y x) -> Z (pair x y)) ->
    (xy::Sigma (\x -> Y x)) ->
    Z xy
uncurryS Z f xy = case xy of 
                            (pair x y) -> f x y 

mapSigma (X::Set)(Y1,Y2::X -> Set) :: 
    (f::(x::X) -> (Y1 x -> Y2 x)) -> Sigma (\x -> Y1 x) -> Sigma (\x -> Y2 x)
mapSigma f p = case p of 
                     (pair x y) -> pair x (f x y) 

Pred :: Set -> Type
Pred X = X -> Set

Rel ::  Set -> Type
Rel X = X -> X -> Set

(/\) :: Set -> Set -> Set
P /\ Q = Sigma (\(p::P) -> Q)

(<->) :: Set -> Set -> Set
P <-> Q = (P->Q) /\ (Q->P)

Exists (X::Set) :: (P::Pred X) -> Set
Exists P = Sigma P

witness (X::Set)(P::Pred X) :: Exists P -> X
witness h = fst h

--proof (X::Set)(P::Pred X) :: Exists P -> P
--proof h = snd h

(\/) :: Set -> Set -> Set
P \/ Q = Plus P Q

orI1 (P,Q::Set) :: P -> P \/ Q
orI1 p = inl p

orI2 (P,Q::Set) :: Q -> P \/ Q
orI2 q = inr q

orE (P,Q,R::Set) :: P \/ Q -> (P->R) -> (Q->R) -> R
orE pq pr qr = case pq of 
                   (inl p)-> pr p
                   (inr q)-> qr q 

-- data Bool = False | True 
-- is pre-defined

elimBool :: (C :: Bool -> Type) ->
            (c_t :: C True) ->
            (c_f :: C False) ->
            (b :: Bool) -> 
            C b 
elimBool C c_t c_f b = case b of 
                           (False) -> c_f
                           (True) -> c_t

liftBool :: Bool -> Set
liftBool b = if b then Unit else Empty

T :: Bool -> Set
T b = if b then Unit else Empty

not :: Bool -> Bool
not b = if b then False else True

(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool 
b1 && b2 = if b1 then b2 else False

(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool 
b1 || b2 = if b1 then True else b2

imp ::  (x,y::Bool) -> Bool
imp x y = (not x) || y

iff ::  (x,y::Bool) -> Bool
iff x y = x `imp` y && y `imp` x

pred :: (X::Set) -> Set
pred X = X -> Bool

rel :: (X::Set) -> Set
rel X = X -> X -> Bool

Reflexive (X::Set) ::  (R::Rel X) -> Set
Reflexive R = (x::X) -> x `R` x

Symmetrical (X::Set) ::  (R::Rel X) -> Set
Symmetrical R = (x1,x2::X) |-> (x1 `R` x2 -> x2 `R` x1)

Transitive (X::Set) ::  (R::Rel X) -> Set
Transitive R = (x1,x2,x3::X) |-> (x1 `R` x2 -> x2 `R` x3 -> x1 `R` x3)
Substitutive (X::Set) ::  (R::Rel X) -> Type
Substitutive R = (P::X -> Set) ->
                 (x1,x2::X) |->
                 x1 `R` x2 -> P x1 -> P x2

EquivRel(X::Set) :: (R::Rel X) -> Set
EquivRel R = sig 
     isRefl :: Reflexive R
     isSymm :: Symmetrical R
     isTrans :: Transitive R

DRel :: Set -> Set
DRel X = X -> X -> Bool

dRel (X::Set) :: DRel X -> Rel X
dRel R = \x y -> liftBool (R x y)

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