[Agda] does anyone know Qiao Yu?

Ana Bove bove at cs.chalmers.se
Thu Nov 18 21:58:32 CET 2004

He asked to be a memeber of the agda list but I have no idea who he is. 
He has a hotmail addres which makes this very fishy. Before asking him 
to identify himself I just want to know if he is anyone you know and who 
should be added to the lilst.

qiaoyu101 at hotmail.com
/Qiao Yu/

-- Ana

                                ANA  BOVE
 mailto:bove at cs.chalmers.se             Department of Computing Science
 http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~bove      Chalmers University of Technology
 Phone (work) :(46)(31) 772 10 20          and University of Gothenburg
 Fax (work)   :(46)(31) 16 56 55         S-412 96 Gothenburg  -  SWEDEN

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