[Nbp] Intersting seminars

Eva Olsson eva.olsson at chalmers.se
Mon May 16 13:10:23 CEST 2022

Dear All,

The Royal Academy of Sciences arranges a series of seminars about the transition to the electric society.

Please check the information below.

Best regards,
Symposium: The inevitable transition to the electric society

Date: 18 May, 8 June and 7 September
Venue: Beijer Hall, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen 4A, Stockholm

The Royal Swedish Academy is organises a series of three seminars on the theme “The inevitable transition to the electric society”. As a common theme for large parts of Sweden's energy and technology transformation, electricity appears as a general basis, both for energy production, energy storage, distribution and as fuel. The purpose of the planned seminars is to shed light on the various technologies and options for action that are available in the creation of the future energy system. Both technical, economic, environmental and social science aspects will be addressed, from a Swedish as well as an international perspective.

Each theme is divided into three sub-areas, and will be addressed at three different seminar occasions. There are separate registrations for each seminar:

•       Fossil-free electricity production, 18 May, 09:00-11:50

•       Energy storage, 8 June, 09:00-11:50
•       Energy efficiency, 7 September, 09:00-11:50

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