[Nbp] Upcoming division meetings

Eva Olsson eva.olsson at chalmers.se
Thu Sep 9 11:22:39 CEST 2021

Dear All,

We have one division meeting in addition to the ones listed below. The complete list is:

October 1st, zoom meeting
October 29th, the development of the covid-19 will determine if it will be a zoom or IRL meeting
November 12th, he development of the covid-19 will determine if it will be a zoom or IRL meeting
December 3rd, the development of the covid-19 will determine if it will be a zoom or IRL meeting
Best regards,

From: NBP <nbp-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> on behalf of Eva Olsson <eva.olsson at chalmers.se>
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 12:20
To: "nbp at lists.chalmers.se" <nbp at lists.chalmers.se>
Subject: [Nbp] Upcoming division meetings

Dear All,

We will continue with our division meetings during the autumn. The format will further develop and change slightly. I will keep you informed.

A major portion of the next division meeting will be dedicated to introducing our new group members.

The dates of the next division meetings are

October 1st, zoom meeting
October 29th, the development of the covid-19 will determine if it will be a zoom or IRL meeting
December 3rd, the development of the covid-19 will determine if it will be a zoom or IRL meeting

The time is 15-16 o’clock.

Best regards,

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