[Nbp] NBP Division meeting : Choose the day !

Pierre Carmona pierre.carmona at chalmers.se
Fri Dec 3 16:19:41 CET 2021

Dear all,

Next year will continue with NBP division meeting every month.
Please choose the day you prefer by answering to this choodle (you can vote for both days)



Pierre Carmona
PhD Candidate
Department of Physics, Division Nano- and Biophysics
Eva Olsson Group<https://www.evaolssongroup.com/pierre-carmona.html>

D: +46 10 516 63 01 |  M: +46 70 314 63 01
pierre.carmona at chalmers.se<mailto:pierre.carmona at chalmers.se>

CHALMERS University of Technology |  chalmers.se<https://www.chalmers.se/>
Fysikgränd 3 | 412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden

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