[Nbp] Nano- and Biophysics kick-off at Boulebar

Gustav Persson guspe at chalmers.se
Wed Feb 12 15:30:06 CET 2020

Dear Everyone,

As you have seen, we will have a kick-off for our new division at February 21st. There will also be an informal gathering afterwards so that we have a chance to get to know each other better. We will go to Boulebar in central Gothenburg, where we will eat French-inspired food and play boule in mixed teams.

The event starts 16:30. Since we need to reserve a spot, I would like to ask you to fill in a Doodle to confirm if you are coming. Just write your name and check if you will join the event or not. A link to the Doodle is included here: https://doodle.com/poll/678ttxh7btbpvrgi

Please fill in the Doodle before the end of this week. If you have any food restrictions, add a V for vegan, Veg for vegetarian, G for gluten free and/or L for lactose intolerance. If you have any other allergies it might be best to simply send me an email.

Kind regards,
Gustav Persson
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