[Kmf_scatter] Scattering meeting schedule

Josef Rizell rizell at chalmers.se
Wed May 25 10:13:53 CEST 2022

Dear all,

I hope you are all doing well!

Summer is quickly approaching, besides hay fever and long days, the arrival of summer also brings the biweekly scattering meetings to an end. But before that, on Tuesday next week (May 31st at 9.00) Martina will present in our last meeting for the semester.

Two weeks after that, when we otherwise would have held our scattering meeting, Linnea Rensmo will be defending her master’s thesis (June 14th at 9.00 in PJ)

The title of her thesis is: Characterization of HDPE using small and wide angle scattering.

Have a great week!



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