[E2-ml-seminars] ML seminars at E2

Lennart Svensson lennart.svensson at chalmers.se
Mon Nov 7 16:45:51 CET 2022

Dear all,

We are about to restart the series of ML seminars at E2. The presentations are on Wednesdays, 11.00-12.00, usually in room Analysen. It is also possible to join the presentations on Zoom, https://chalmers.zoom.us/j/67754448253?pwd=Q1VEdE5DakxraVlObllIUEdndUdzQT09&from=addon,  password: 086144, even though we hope most of you will be physically present in the room.

Most of the communication will be handled on Slack and using a Google doc,
I will use this email list to announce changes to the original schedule (especially if we change the time or if a seminar is canceled). However, to limit the amount of overhead and unnecessary emails, I will not send out emails every week. If anyone wants to sign up or cancel the subscription to this email list, you can follow the instructions here:

You can read more about the upcoming presentations at the link posted above. For the first presentation, which takes place on November 9th, Lars Hammarstrand has written:

  *   As many of us seem to be interested in NeRFs, I thought we would have a general discussion on the topic.  I will prepare a presentation regarding the basics with some added extensions. A good starting point is the original paper:

     *   NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis (https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.08934)
  *   but also look at the extension listed on their blog: https://www.matthewtancik.com/nerf

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