[Dsai.phd] TA-Workshop - date & time suggestion

Birgit Grohe birgit.grohe at cse.gu.se
Tue Oct 6 21:49:12 CEST 2020

Hi again!

The suggestion for the workshop is now Tuesday 27/10 either 10-12 or 13-15 or 15-17. We may have two workshops if there are many collisions.

Please fill in the doodle no later than 9/10 at 12.00 noon!


Regards Birgit

Från: Birgit Grohe
Skickat: den 29 september 2020 14:04:36
Till: dsai.phd at lists.chalmers.se
Ämne: SV: Workshop for DSAI PhD-student on the work as a Teaching Assistant

Dear PhD-students at DSAI!

Thank you those of you who answered the doodle.

For the others this is a short reminder. The answer options are yes/no/maybe, so it would be nice if many answered, even i fthe answer is "not yes"!

The workshop will be open for everybody, also those who answered "no" or "maybe", but if you answer yes, you can influence the date and content if you want.

Regards Birgit

Från: Birgit Grohe
Skickat: den 24 september 2020 11:48:27
Till: dsai.phd at lists.chalmers.se
Ämne: Workshop for DSAI PhD-student on the work as a Teaching Assistant

Dear PhD-students at DSAI!

We plan to organize a workshop for the PhD-students at DSAI to discuss practical details about as welll as expectations on your duties as TAs in our courses.

The rough plan is to start by meeting for 1-2 hours online some time in October and discuss questions that usually arise when TA-ing, how different TA-ing can be for different courses/examiners etc. To prepare the meeting, I would like to ask 1-2 of the new(er) PhD-students with some prior experience of TA-ing (possibly as student-TA) to help collect interesting and relevant questions for the workshop.

Please answer the following:

a) Indicate if you are interested in the workshop or not: https://doodle.com/poll/y5zpshzr4up5da45

b) Please write a short email if you can help me collect input for the workshop, reply preferably no later than Monday 28/9.

Regards Birgit
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