[Driftstörning] Router maintenance effected Lindholmen, SB- and CA- buildings 06:00 and MV- and Vasa -buildings 06:30 Monday 2024-03-04

Per-Olof Olsson peo at chalmers.se
Tis Feb 27 20:11:05 CET 2024

2024-03-04 06:00
Lindholmen, SB- and CA-buildings.

2024-03-04 06:30
MV- Library- and Vasa-buildings.
Including Chalmersska huset and Hammarkullen.
CFAB, FCC and Kåren.

Vi kommer att fortsätta uppdatera  mjukvaran i router. Arbetet ger ett 
driftavbrott för all datatrafik på 10-15 minuter.

We needed to continue to upgrading software in a routers. Work will take 
10-15 minutes. During this time all network traffic will be suspended.

Per-Olof Olsson               Email: peo at chalmers.se
Chalmers tekniska högskola    IT-avdelningen
Sven Hultins gata 8           412 96 Göteborg
Tel: 031/772 6738     Mob: 0707 88 3708

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