[Driftstörning] Problem with fileserver SOL earlier today

Hasse S G Freij hazze at chalmers.se
Fre Feb 10 18:54:27 CET 2023

Hej / HI (in english below)

Vi har under eftermiddagen haft stora störningar med vår centrala filserver. Började 13.30 och höll på
till 16.40 men nu är läget stabilt.  Eftersom det är sent så nöjer jag mig med att ge den lite längre
förklaringen enbart på engelska här nedan.

Om du fortfarande har problem med filservern så starta om din dator.

//Hasse Freij


This Friday (feb 10, 2023) we started to experience long response times from our main file server - sol.ita.chalmers.se - around 1.30 pm.

After giving the problem our full attention the problems was gone around 2.15 pm but 15 minutes later the problems where back again.

Around 4.40 pm it was working again and it seems like the server is working as it should now (writing this at 6.30 pm)

If you still have problems and get "access denied", please reboot your computer.

Background: This server is old and can no longer keep up to demand. When the demand is to large,
the server never get a chance to catch up. When this happens it had been a good idea to go get a
cup of coffee/tea/soda to give the server some relief - what really happens is that everyone tries harder
to read or save files. And we get a traffic jam in the server.

A new server is in the progress and should replace the current one within a month or two. This was
planned to happen over a year ago but the delivery of the new server got stuck because of the
delivery problems caused by the Covid-19 shutdown. It seems like covid-19 is dangerous not only
for humans :)

Since less people are working during the weekend I do not expect any more problems for the next

//Hasse Freij

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