[Driftstörning] Mail delivery delays for mail lists

Hasse S G Freij hazze at chalmers.se
Ons Aug 16 10:49:23 CEST 2023

Hej / Hi (in English below)

Vi har fått rapporter att post som skickas via maillistor via lists.chalmers.se servern levereras med fördröjning. Enligt loggarna så har det dröjt ca 16 timmar innan posten tagits emot av nästa server i leveranskedjan. Vi undersöker och försöker lösa problemet så snart som möjligt. Detta meddelande kommer nog också fram först efter 15 timmar eftersom detta skickas via det berörda systemet.

We have received reports that mail sent via mailing lists via lists.chalmers.se server is delivered with a delay. According to the logs, it has taken about 16 hours for the mail to be received by the next server in the supply chain. We are investigating and trying to resolve the issue as soon as possible. This message will probably not arrive until after 15 hours since this is sent to one of the affected mail lists.

//Hasse Freij

Problem: Mail via lists.chalmers.se are delayed
Affected users: Anyone that is on a lists-mail-list
Start of problem: Unknown, probably several days
Estimated to be solved: Hopefully today but the backlog of messages my take a day to deliver.

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