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<p>Hi All,</p>
<p>You are all very welcome to Valeria´s thesis presentation. Cake
will be served afterwards.</p>
<div class="moz-forward-container">Regards</div>
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<div class="moz-forward-container">Dag</div>
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<div class="moz-forward-container">Location: PJ 27<br>
Time: Tuesday 27/2 15.00<br>
Speaker: Valeria Zuñiga Pérez<br>
Title: Exploring Dynamics of Micro-sized Liquid<br>
Particles in Double Potential Optical Trap<br>
The Abstract:<br>
Optical levitation, enabled by the radiation pressure of<br>
light, lifts and holds small particles in mid-air without physical<br>
contact by utilizing photons’ momentum, offering precise
through control of light properties like intensity, focus, and<br>
polarization. This thesis addresses the experiment of a double<br>
potential optical trap in order to characterize the latter and the<br>
trapped particle, as well as the dynamics of the system. The trap
made up of two strongly focused lasers and by utilizing liquid<br>
particles instead of solid ones, the effects of particle shape<br>
irregularities and optical force imbalances have been mitigated,<br>
yielding more reliable data on particle movement and position.
the variables of the distance between the traps, relative power<br>
between both, and the size of the particles, we tried to observe
greatest number of jumps possible. In this thesis you will find
jumps made by the liquid particle, both defined and undefined, and
analysis of jumping rates. Concluding that in fact a micrometric<br>
liquid particle also jumps feeling the double potential, all in
<img src="cid:part1.XvnfpAUa.REFYlNez@physics.gu.se" alt="" width="328" height="295"><img src="cid:part2.nKV2W50y.nh9hGQN5@physics.gu.se" alt="" width="535" height="296"></div>
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