[Chemicalphysicstheory] FW: [QE-users] The 2020/21 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry awarder to Roberto Car and Michele Parrinello awarded

Henrik Grönbeck henrik.gronbeck at chalmers.se
Sun May 2 12:00:02 CEST 2021


In case you did not yet seen this. 


From: users [users-bounces at lists.quantum-espresso.org] on behalf of Stefano Baroni [baroni at sissa.it]
Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 3:37 PM
To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum
Subject: [QE-users] The 2020/21 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry awarder to Roberto Car and Michele Parrinello awarded

Roberto Car and Michele Parrinello join Albert Einstein, Marie Skłodowska Curie, and Stephen Hawking in the Empyrean of the Benjamin Franklin Medal laureates

The 2020/21 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry, likely the most prestigious science prize in the USA, has been bestowed this year on Roberto Car and Michele Parrinello by the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, for the groundbreaking work on molecular simulation they did in the Winter 1984-85. The Award Ceremony took place virtually on 29 April and can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAgoVSdGqQ4&t=835s

The Car-Parrinello method hardly needs any presentation to Quantum ESPRESSO enthusiasts. Let me just just remind that the cp.x component of Quantum ESPRESSO is the direct offspring of the code that Roberto and Michele developed in the Winter of 1984-85 and express my pride for the mention of Quantum ESPRESSO made in the award ceremony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAgoVSdGqQ4&t=1085s. The Quantum ESPRESSO team is as committed to methodological innovation and scientific rigor as Roberto and Michele have been since 1984.

The Quantum ESPRESSO developers’ and users’ community felicitate Roberto Car and Michele Parrinello for their numerous and well deserved recognitions and wish to thank them for taking our community and science from infancy into adulthood. Thank you, Roberto and Michele!

Best wishes to all.
Stefano Baroni

Stefano Baroni -  SISSA, Trieste - http://stefano.baroni.me, stefanobaroni (skype)

There are two ways of doing a theoretical calculation: you should have either a clear physical model in mind, or a rigorous mathematical basis. You have neither. [E. Fermi to F.J. Dyson, as humbly reported by the latter]

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