[Chemicalphysicstheory] need 2 KCK nodes in vera for a couple of hours

Alvaro Posada Borbon palvaro at chalmers.se
Thu Oct 15 15:04:48 CEST 2020

Hej everybody!

I have resorted to working on a smaller super cell...

which for some reason doesn't crash.

The root of the error continues to be a mystery to

me, but I will send and email to support and see if

the know what could be the issue.

Thank you for letting me use the kck nodes freely! :)

Best regards,


From: Chemicalphysicstheory <chemicalphysicstheory-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> on behalf of Alvaro Posada Borbon <palvaro at chalmers.se>
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 11:21:38 AM
To: chemicalphysicstheory at lists.chalmers.se
Subject: [Chemicalphysicstheory] need 2 KCK nodes in vera for a couple of hours

Hej everybody!

I am having some issues with some calculations

on Vera. I need to use 2 KCK nodes in Vera for the

next couple of hours so I can find what the issue

is. Please be kind and let me use those nodes. I will

get back to you guys as soon as I'm done.

Thank you for your understanding!

Bests regards,


Alvaro Posada-Borbón

MSc in Applied Physics

Chalmers University of Technology
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