[Chemicalphysicstheory] FW: UPPMAX storage allocations in 2021

Henrik Grönbeck henrik.gronbeck at chalmers.se
Tue Dec 15 16:39:39 CET 2020


As Uppmax have problems with storage, I suggest that you move all data you have 
there to other computers before January 1. 


From: Marcus Lundberg [marcus.lundberg at uppmax.uu.se]
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 4:34 PM
Subject: UPPMAX storage allocations in 2021

Dear UPPMAX user,

Due to the growing amount of data on Crex, the storage system attached to Rackham and Snowy, we are making changes to the way we allocate space on Crex in SNIC Small and Medium projects. These changes will take effect on January 1st, 2021. In this email, we will describe our new process for making allocation decisions. Please read this email carefully and refer to it when applying for new projects, continuation projects, and requests for allocation increases.

Our goal is to ensure that as many researchers as possible can continue to work without being affected by a lack of space on Crex. The bottom line is that we will have to deny allocations to projects if users continue to store inactive data on the system. Additionally, we need to encourage responsible and correct use of the system, as well as promote high-quality research.

Starting in January, Small and Medium storage allocations will be made on a monthly basis. Each month, we will grant allocations that sum up to the amount of space that was freed on the system. The available space will be announced in the UPPMAX Newsletter for that month. Requests will be accepted until the 23rd of each month, and decisions will be made by the 30th. Requests that come after the 23rd will be decided upon in the following month.

In the event that we have to deny projects due to a lack of available space, we will rank all Small and Medium storage requests (new projects, continuation projects, and allocation increases) according to the following factors:

  *   Motivation (detailed itemisation of the data that covers the entire allocation of the project, and reasoning that motivates why described data needs to be present concurrently)

  *   Track record (previous history as a SNIC user)

  *   Scientific productivity (from Activity Reports, if applicable)

  *   FAIR

  *   Data formats, e.g. proper compression

  *   Use of nobackup (describe what needs backup etc)

  *   Use of central reference databases in /sw/data (https://www.uppmax.uu.se/resources/databases/)

  *   Time plan

  *   Plan for data after analysis, including a destination for it

  *   Whether you follow the recommendation of keeping your own copy of the data elsewhere

When applying for a new project, a continuation project, or emailing us about storage quota increase, please include as much of the above information as possible.

We would like to remind all our users that the expectation is that you will remove your data from our systems when a project expires during the 90 day grace period after project expiration. To accommodate active projects and follow SNIC storage policy, we may be forced to delete expired project directories at any time after this grace period.

Finally, we understand that the reality of scientific research does not always coincide with a strict monthly schedule and a formal grading rubric. We therefore reserve the right to be flexible and will endeavour to work with you in special circumstances.

Kind regards,

Marcus Lundberg

UPPMAX SNAC Working Group

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