[All.non-board.wacqt] Course on Light-Matter interaction, Lund, open for WACQT PhD-students.

Peter Samuelsson peter.samuelsson at teorfys.lu.se
Fri Jan 22 16:19:06 CET 2021

Dear all WACQT PhD-students,

Anne L'Huillier, professor at Lund University and a WACQT PI, is giving 
her course "Light-matter interaction” fully online, with start this 
week. Anne is welcoming interested WACQT PhD-students at other Swedish 
universities to follow the course. A short presentation of the course 
and Anne's contact information are given below.

Best regards



The aim of the course “Light-matter interaction” is to give the student 
advanced knowledge on the quantum-mechanical interaction between light 
and matter. It is focused on the study of two-level systems but also 
includes application to different research fields, such as laser cooling 
and trapping, atoms in strong fields and quantum computers. The course 
uses the book: "Atomic Physics" by C. J. Foot. Bases in Atomic Physics 
and Quantum Mechanics are required. It is a course (A level) for 
students in physics of the Engineering and Science faculties. We welcome 
PhD, master and exchange students!

It includes lectures (four hours per week) , exercises (two hours per 
week), all online and two laboratory exercises with preparation exercise 
and report, which will be performed this year remotely, or replaced by a 
computer laboratory.

If you are interested to follow the course, please send me an email 
(anne.lhuillier at fysik.lth.se) as soon as possible! The first week of the 
course (week 3) will be devoted to a repetition of basic atomic physics 
and quantum mechanics. Light-matter interaction will start on week 4.

Anne L'Huillier

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