[Agda] What to do when Rewrite fails?

Joey Eremondi joey.eremondi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 21:00:06 CET 2020

I'm in a situation where I'm using "agda --without k", and I'm working with
a with decidable equality.

In my proofs, a bunch of normalizations are stuck on "decEq i i". I have a
proof of the form "uipDec : \forall i -> decEq i i \equiv yes refl", but
when I try to "rewrite uipDec", I get:

decEq i i != lhs of type Dec (i ≡ i)
when checking that the type decEq i i != lhs of type Dec (i ≡ i)
when checking that the type ... of the generated with function is

I'm wondering, is there a way to manually do the rewrite? The problem is
that "decEq i i" doesn't actually appear in the type, it's just what the
evaluation gets stuck on, so I don't think I can use subst. Basically,
other than rewrite (which is failing), I don't know how to tell Agda the
value of a term that normalization is stuck on.

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