[Agda-dev] Agda and Packages/Libraries

Philipp Hausmann philipp.hausmann at 314.ch
Thu Feb 4 22:47:55 CET 2016

> I suggest to remove the `fauchi` bits from Agda.cabal.
The main reason why it's part of Agda.cabal is that Agda's Setup.hs needs it
to install the Primitive.agda file. If I split off `fauchi` into a separate
cabal file or repository, I would have to duplicate some of the
package build code inside Setup.hs.

Treating Primitive.agda like a "normal" package is necessary to avoid
having to special-case it everywhere, which I think would be
hard to maintain.

> Why? I don't
> want that a serious bux-fix to `fauchi` implies a release of Agda or
> vice versa.
Would that really be a (serious) problem? The only issue I can think of
right now is that Agda's release process seems to be rather complicated and
time-consuming, so (potentially) having more releases would require too much
The advantage of releasing it together is that it greatly reduces
testing & support effort, as there are much less version


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