[Agda-dev] Termination

Hans Peter Würmli wurmli at hispeed.ch
Fri Dec 12 05:40:55 CET 2014

Thank you, Andreas, for your thoughtful lines. As I am an Agda novice I
couldn't see a simpler recursion pattern for the properties I tried to
prove. As an exercise I am trying to prove the various properties of (ℕ,
zero, +, *)  and show it's isomorphic to the binary representation.
Learning about the possibilities of Agda, the proofs are not always
turning out elegant therefore. The non-passing of the termination-check
arose with the proof of associativity of addition of strictly positive
binary natural numbers. I copy the sample at the end. It's probably a
fact of mathematics that simple, short and elegant proofs only arise
with mature knowledge, whereas first proofs are often lengthy,
complicated and ugly. A proof assistant might be particularly valuable
for the latter.

Maybe the example below can convince you that a slightly smarter
termination checker might be worth the effort.

Best regards

Hans Peter


module Termination2 where

open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

data Bit : Set where
  O : Bit
  I : Bit

infixr 5 _∷_

data bℕ : Set where
  I : bℕ
  _∷_ : Bit → bℕ → bℕ

_+1' : bℕ → bℕ
I +1' = O ∷ I
(O ∷ n) +1' = I ∷ n
(I ∷ n) +1' = O ∷ (n +1')

_b+'_ : bℕ → bℕ → bℕ
I b+' I = O ∷ I
I b+' (O ∷ m) = I ∷ m
I b+' (I ∷ m) = O ∷ I b+' m
(O ∷ n) b+' I = I ∷ n
(O ∷ n) b+' (O ∷ m) = O ∷ n b+' m
(O ∷ n) b+' (I ∷ m) = I ∷ n b+' m
(I ∷ n) b+' I = O ∷ n b+' I
(I ∷ n) b+' (O ∷ m) = I ∷ n b+' m
(I ∷ n) b+' (I ∷ m) = O ∷ ((n b+' m) +1')

open ≡-Reasoning

lemma-I=+1 : (n : bℕ) → (I b+' n) ≡ (n +1')
lemma-I=+1 I = refl
lemma-I=+1 (O ∷ n) = refl
lemma-I=+1 (I ∷ n) = cong (_∷_ O) (lemma-I=+1 n)

lemma-+1'b+' : (n : bℕ) (m : bℕ) → (n +1') b+' m ≡ (n b+' m) +1'
lemma-+1'b+' I I = refl
lemma-+1'b+' I (O ∷ m) =
    (I +1') b+' (O ∷ m) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    (O ∷ I) b+' (O ∷ m) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    O ∷ (I b+' m) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    (I b+' (I ∷ m)) ≡⟨ lemma-I=+1 (I ∷ m) ⟩ 
    (I ∷ m) +1' ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    (I b+' (O ∷ m)) +1'
lemma-+1'b+' I (I ∷ I) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' I (I ∷ O ∷ m) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' I (I ∷ I ∷ m) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ I) I = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ O ∷ n) I = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ I ∷ n) I = cong (_∷_ O) (lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ n) I)
lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ n) (O ∷ m) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ n) (I ∷ m) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I) I = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ O ∷ n) I = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I ∷ n) I = sym (cong (_∷_ I) (lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ n) I))
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I) (O ∷ I) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I) (O ∷ O ∷ m) = cong (_∷_ O) (lemma-+1'b+' I (O ∷ m))
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I) (O ∷ I ∷ m) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I) (I ∷ I) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I) (I ∷ O ∷ m) = cong (_∷_ I) (lemma-+1'b+' I (O ∷ m))
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I) (I ∷ I ∷ m) = refl
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ O ∷ n) (O ∷ m) = cong (_∷_ O) (lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ n) m)
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ O ∷ n) (I ∷ m) = cong (_∷_ I) (lemma-+1'b+' (O ∷ n) m)
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I ∷ n) (O ∷ m) = cong (_∷_ O) (lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ n) m)
lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ I ∷ n) (I ∷ m) = cong (_∷_ I) (lemma-+1'b+' (I ∷ n) m)

lemma-b+'Doubling : (n : bℕ) → O ∷ n ≡ n b+' n
lemma-b+'Doubling I = refl
lemma-b+'Doubling (O ∷ n) = cong (_∷_ O) (lemma-b+'Doubling n)
lemma-b+'Doubling (I ∷ n) =
    O ∷ I ∷ n ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    O ∷ (I ∷ n) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    O ∷ ((O ∷ n) +1') ≡⟨ cong (_∷_ O) (cong _+1' (lemma-b+'Doubling
n)) ⟩
    O ∷ ((n b+' n) +1') ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    (I ∷ n) b+' (I ∷ n)

assoc-b+' : (x y z : bℕ) → x b+' (y b+' z) ≡ (x b+' y) b+' z
assoc-b+' I y z =
    I b+' (y b+' z) ≡⟨ lemma-I=+1 (y b+' z) ⟩
    (y b+' z) +1' ≡⟨ sym (lemma-+1'b+' y z) ⟩
    y +1' b+' z ≡⟨ sym (cong (λ w → w b+' z) (lemma-I=+1 y)) ⟩
    (I b+' y) b+' z
assoc-b+' (O ∷ w) y z =
    (O ∷ w) b+' (y b+' z) ≡⟨ cong (λ x₁ → x₁ b+' (y b+' z)) (lemma-b
+'Doubling w) ⟩
    (w b+' w) b+' (y b+' z) ≡⟨ sym (assoc-b+' w w (y b+' z)) ⟩
    w b+' (w b+' (y b+' z)) ≡⟨ cong (_b+'_ w) (assoc-b+' w y z) ⟩
    w b+' ((w b+' y) b+' z) ≡⟨ assoc-b+' w (w b+' y) z ⟩
    (w b+' (w b+' y)) b+' z ≡⟨ cong (λ x₁ → x₁ b+' z) (assoc-b+' w w
y) ⟩
    ((w b+' w) b+' y) b+' z ≡⟨ cong (λ x₁ → (x₁ b+' y) b+' z) (sym
(lemma-b+'Doubling w)) ⟩
    ((O ∷ w) b+' y) b+' z
assoc-b+' (I ∷ w) y z =
    (I ∷ w) b+' (y b+' z) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    (I b+' (O ∷ w)) b+' (y b+' z) ≡⟨ sym (assoc-b+' I (O ∷ w) (y b+'
z)) ⟩
    I b+' ((O ∷ w) b+' (y b+' z)) ≡⟨ cong (_b+'_ I) (assoc-b+' (O ∷ w) y
z) ⟩
    I b+' (((O ∷ w) b+' y) b+' z) ≡⟨ assoc-b+' I ((O ∷ w) b+' y) z ⟩
    (I b+' ((O ∷ w) b+' y)) b+' z ≡⟨ cong (λ t → t b+' z) (assoc-b+' I
(O ∷ w) y) ⟩
    ((I b+' (O ∷ w)) b+' y) b+' z ≡⟨ refl ⟩
    ((I ∷ w) b+' y) b+' z


-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Abel <abela at chalmers.se>
Reply-to: <andreas.abel at gu.se>
To: Hans Peter Würmli <wurmli at hispeed.ch>, agda-dev at lists.chalmers.se
Subject: Re: [Agda-dev] Termination
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 22:22:40 +0100

Yes, the termination analysis is cheap in that respect, it does not see 
that the call sequence

   stop (I :: n) --> stop (I :: n)

is impossible.  Someone (was it Jean-Yves Moyen?) suggested a smarter 
static call graph construction, e.g. from

1. stop I = 1
2. stop (O ∷ n) = stop n
3. stop (I ∷ n) = 1 + stop (O ∷ n)

construct the graph

2: stop (O :: n) --> stop n
3: stop (I :: n) --> stop (O :: n)

and observe that 3 has to be followed by 2, so we get only the static 
call graph

  stop2 --(<)--> stop2
  stop2 --(<)--> stop3
  stop3 --(=)--> stop2

which we complete by adding another call

  stop3 --(<)--> stop3

Now all loops are decreasing (<), and the function passes.

Such an analysis would be much more expensive, I guess.  The question is 
whether it is worth the effort.  As you observe, you can easily rewrite 
your program.  Often a simpler recursion pattern also helps when you 
want to prove properties of your function.  I guess I'd need to see more 
convincing examples, that not just contain functions that could benefit 
from a smarter termination check, but also proofs about these functions 
(that possibly also benefit from a smarter termination check).


On 11.12.2014 05:47, Hans Peter Würmli wrote:
> The following simple program terminates, but the termination checker
> does not pass it:
> --------------------------------------------------
> module Termination where
> open import Data.Nat
> data Bit : Set where
>    O : Bit
>    I : Bit
> infixr 5 _∷_
> data bℕ : Set where
>    I : bℕ
>    _∷_ : Bit → bℕ → bℕ
> stop : (n : bℕ) → ℕ
> stop I = 1
> stop (O ∷ n) = stop n
> stop (I ∷ n) = 1 + stop (O ∷ n)
> -- stop (I ∷ n) = 1 + stop (n)      -- this would pass the termination
> checker
> open import Data.Nat.Show as NShow
> open import Data.String
> open import Data.Unit using (⊤)
> open import IO.Primitive
> open import IO
> main : IO.Primitive.IO ⊤
> main = run (IO.putStrLn (NShow.show (stop (I ∷ O ∷ I))))
> ---------------------------------------------
> It looks like the termination checker expects a lower height in each
> recursive step instead of checking other cases first.
> Cheers,
> Hans Peter
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